[erlang-bugs] Bug in SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB implementation

Stefan Zegenhagen stefan.zegenhagen@REDACTED
Fri Jan 24 10:45:06 CET 2014

Dear all,

there is a bug in SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB that prevents IPv6 address masks to
be configured in snmpTargetAddrTMask via SNMP.

The current implementation of the function that verifies set requests to
snmpTargetAddrTMask calls snmp_conf:check_taddress/1 which forces a
check for a valid IP address. The function should instead respect
snmpTargetAddrTDomain from the same table row and call
snmp_conf:check_taddress/2 instead, which would allow it to be used with
IPv6 addresses as well.

Kind regards,

Dr. Stefan Zegenhagen

arcutronix GmbH
Garbsener Landstr. 10
30419 Hannover

Tel:   +49 511 277-2734
Fax:   +49 511 277-2709
Email: stefan.zegenhagen@REDACTED
Web:   www.arcutronix.com

*Synchronize the Ethernet*

General Managers: Dipl. Ing. Juergen Schroeder, Dr. Josef Gfrerer -
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Hannover; Ust-Id: DE257551767.

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Dr. Stefan Zegenhagen

arcutronix GmbH
Garbsener Landstr. 10
30419 Hannover

Tel:   +49 511 277-2734
Fax:   +49 511 277-2709
Email: stefan.zegenhagen@REDACTED
Web:   www.arcutronix.com

*Synchronize the Ethernet*

General Managers: Dipl. Ing. Juergen Schroeder, Dr. Josef Gfrerer -
Legal Form: GmbH, Registered office: Hannover, HRB 202442, Amtsgericht
Hannover; Ust-Id: DE257551767.

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