[erlang-bugs] SSL fails at sending a short message while receiving a big one

Loïc Hoguin essen@REDACTED
Sat Feb 8 19:50:40 CET 2014


While investigating a solution for TCP linger issues with Cowboy, I was 
surprised when I saw that the solution that worked perfectly well for 
TCP didn't for SSL.

It *may* be related to what fails in my other "SSL socket gets closed 
abruptly" thread, as both cases send large data. However that other 
thread is a little more crazy (as sending any non-200 response does work 
there, while in this case I never got any response).

Please see a test case attached. It's a simpler simulation of what may 
actually happen with HTTP. First a few small packets (often one) are 
sent for the headers, and then a potentially huge body. The server may 
not want to receive the body, but it always needs to send a response. 
Problem is, if we don't read the body, that response is never sent with SSL.

It's interesting to note that incorrect behavior occurs regardless of 
the shutdown call being there. That call is used for the lingering 
solution mentioned above so I tried with and without. In both cases the 
response isn't received by the client. If the shutdown call is there, 
the recv call will eventually say {error, closed} (it may or may not 
take a while, I had both). If the shutdown call isn't there, recv will 
just timeout.

You need erl_make_certs from the SSL test suite for this test case too.

Below output is for R16B02 but the issue also occurs with master updated 
sometimes this week too.

% erl
Erlang R16B02 (erts-5.10.3) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] 
[async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.10.3  (abort with ^G)
1> c(erl_make_certs).
2> c(sslbig).
3> "With shutdown write".
"With shutdown write"
4> sslbig:server().
5> sslbig:client().
** exception error: no match of right hand side value {error,closed}
      in function  sslbig:client/0 (sslbig.erl, line 29)
6> c(sslbig).
7> "Without shutdown write".
"Without shutdown write"
8> sslbig:server().
9> sslbig:client().
** exception error: no match of right hand side value {error,timeout}
      in function  sslbig:client/0 (sslbig.erl, line 29)


Loïc Hoguin
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