[erlang-bugs] bug_xmerl_comment

Constantin Malikov kostiamalikov@REDACTED
Wed Oct 30 02:11:36 CET 2013

Hello , friends. I want to tell you about a bug in Erlang:

 I have a trouble with validating xml document by xsd schema in case of

use comment in the xml document. I attached simple sample, where you can
see this problem. To run it, compile xml_comment_test.erl and invoke
“invalid_xml_comment_test” method.

You can see the error message:










" continue context=\"ctx_megaco_local_in\"/ "}],




























3,[],"\n ",text},
















1,[],"\n ",text}]],
















 How can i see, in the xmerl_xsd.erl module, check_choice metod. No
function for processing comments.

 Tested by Erlang 16B02, xmerl 1.3.4 and R15B02, xmerl 1.3.2.

<? xml version = "1.0"?>
            <continue context="ctx_megaco_local_in"/>
            <! - Continue context = "ctx_megaco_local_in" / ->
        </ result>
    </ rule>
</ context>

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF- 8" ? >
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">

  <xs:element name="context">
        <xs:element name="rule">
              <xs:element name="result">
                    <xs:element name="incomplete" type="xs:string"/>
                    <! - xs: element name = "no_route" type = "nullType" /
                    <xs:element name="continue" type="continueType"/>
                  </ xs: choice>
                </ xs: complexType>
              </ xs: element>
            </ xs: sequence>
          </ xs: complexType>
        </ xs: element>
      </ xs: sequence>
    </ xs: complexType>
  </ xs: element>

  <xs:complexType name="continueType">
    <xs:attribute name="context" type="xs:string"/>
  </ xs: complexType>
</ xs: schema>


-module (xml_comment_test).

-export ([
        invalid_xml_comment_test / 0

read_xml (FileName) ->
    {ok, Schema} = xmerl_xsd: process_schema ("ecss_routing.xsd"),
    {ok, BXml} = file: read_file (FileName),
    Xml = erlang: binary_to_list (BXml),
    {XmerXml, _} = xmerl_scan: string (Xml),
    xmerl_xsd: validate (XmerXml, Schema).

invalid_xml_comment_test () ->
    Result = read_xml ("ctx_megaco.xml"),
    io: format ("~ p ~ n", [Result]).

I can offer the option of a patch that fixes this problem. The person who
is responsible for supporting ssh has the discretion to take it as it is,
or can make own fix.


--- xmerl-1.3.2/src/xmerl_xsd.erl 2013-10-26 14:25:25.000000000

+++ xmerl- 2013-10-26 13:01:03.000000000

@@ -2799,12 +2799,16 @@

%%check_sequence(Seq,[],_Occ,_Env,_S,_Checked) ->


  %% Choice one alternative must occur unless all alternatives are

%% optional or the entire choice is optional.

+%% EltexPatch: add skip xml comment

+check_choice([C = #xmlComment{} |Rest],CM,Env,Block,S,Checked) ->

+ check_choice(Rest,CM,Env,Block,S,[C |Checked]);


check_choice([T=#xmlText{}|Rest],Els,Occ,Env,S,Checked) ->

case is_whitespace(T) of

true ->


_ ->



 With best regards,

Malikov Constantin, software developer, Eltex.
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