[erlang-bugs] Strange application shutdown deadlock

Tim Watson watson.timothy@REDACTED
Wed May 29 11:12:24 CEST 2013

Any word from the OTP folks on this one?

On 24 May 2013, at 18:41, Tim Watson <watson.timothy@REDACTED> wrote:

> Gah, sorry folks - this has nothing to do with release handling, that was a red herring. Someone just pointed out that the call to get_child originates in a status check in our code.
> This still looks like a bug to me though, since if you're going to handle "other" messages in terminate_loop you ought to ensure they can't deadlock the vm's shutdown sequence.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> On 24 May 2013, at 15:45, Fred Hebert <mononcqc@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Quick question: are you running a release?
>> If so, last time I've seen deadlocks like that was solved by making sure
>> *all* my applications did depend on stdlib and kernel in their app file.
>> When I skipped them, sometimes I'd find that things would lock up.
>> My guess was that dependencies from stdlib or kernel got unloaded before
>> my app and broke something, but I'm not sure -- In my case, I wasn't
>> able to inspect the node as it appeared to be 100% blocked.
>> Adding the apps ended up fixing the problem on the next shutdown. I'm
>> not sure if it might be a good fix for you, but it's a stab in the dark,
>> Regards,
>> Fred.
>> On 05/24, Tim Watson wrote:
>>> We came across this at a customer's site, where one of the nodes was apparently in the process of stopping and had been in that state for at least 24 hours. The short version is that an application_master appears to be stuck waiting for a child pid (is that the X process, or the root supervisor?) which is *not* linked to it... 
>>> The application controller is in the process of stopping an application, during which process a `get_child' message appears to have come in to that application's application_master from somewhere - we are *not* running appmon, so I'm really confused how this can happen, as the only other place where I see (indirect) calls are via the sasl release_handler!? At the bottom of this email is a dump for the application_controller and the application_master for the app it is trying to shut down. I can verify that the pid which the application_master is waiting on is definitely not linked to it - i.e., process_info(links, AppMasterPid) doesn't contain the process <0.256.0> that the master appears to be waiting on.
>>> My reading of the code is that the application_master cannot end up in get_child_i unless a get_child request was made which arrives whilst it is in its terminate loop. As I said, we're not using appmon, therefore I assume this originated in the sasl application's release_handler_1, though I'm not sure quite which route would take us there. The relevant bit of code in application_master appears to be:
>>> get_child_i(Child) ->
>>>   Child ! {self(), get_child},
>>>   receive
>>>   {Child, GrandChild, Mod} -> {GrandChild, Mod}
>>>   end.
>>> This in turn originates, I'd guess, in the third receive clause of terminate_loop/2. Anyway, should that code not be dealing with a potentially dead pid for Child, either by handling links effectively - perhaps there is an EXIT signal in the mailbox already which is being ignored here in get_child_i/1 - or by some other means?
>>> What follows below is the trace/dump output. Feel free to poke me for more info as needed.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tim
>>> pid: <6676.7.0>
>>> registered name: application_controller
>>> stacktrace: [{application_master,call,2,
>>>                                [{file,"application_master.erl"},{line,75}]},
>>>            {application_controller,stop_appl,3,
>>>                                    [{file,"application_controller.erl"},
>>>                                     {line,1393}]},
>>>            {application_controller,handle_call,3,
>>>                                    [{file,"application_controller.erl"},
>>>                                     {line,810}]},
>>>            {gen_server,handle_msg,5,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,588}]}]
>>> -------------------------
>>> Program counter: 0x00007f9bf9a53720 (application_master:call/2 + 288)
>>> CP: 0x0000000000000000 (invalid)
>>> arity = 0
>>> 0x00007f9bd7948360 Return addr 0x00007f9bfb97de40 (application_controller:stop_appl/3 + 176)
>>> y(0)     #Ref<0.0.20562.258360>
>>> y(1)     #Ref<0.0.20562.258361>
>>> y(2)     []
>>> 0x00007f9bd7948380 Return addr 0x00007f9bfb973c68 (application_controller:handle_call/3 + 1392)
>>> y(0)     temporary
>>> y(1)     rabbitmq_web_dispatch
>>> 0x00007f9bd7948398 Return addr 0x00007f9bf9a600c8 (gen_server:handle_msg/5 + 272)
>>> y(0)     {state,[],[],[],[{ssl,<0.507.0>},{public_key,undefined},{crypto,<0.501.0>},{rabbitmq_web_dispatch,<0.255.0>},{webmachine,<0.250.0>},{mochiweb,undefined},{xmerl,undefined},{inets,<0.237.0>},{amqp_client,<0.233.0>},{mnesia,<0.60.0>},{sasl,<0.34.0>},{stdlib,undefined},{kernel,<0.9.0>}],[],[{ssl,temporary},{public_key,temporary},{crypto,temporary},{rabbitmq_web_dispatch,temporary},{webmachine,temporary},{mochiweb,temporary},{xmerl,temporary},{inets,temporary},{amqp_client,temporary},{mnesia,temporary},{sasl,permanent},{stdlib,permanent},{kernel,permanent}],[],[{rabbit,[{ssl_listeners,[5671]},{ssl_options,[{cacertfile,"/etc/rabbitmq/server.cacrt"},{certfile,"/etc/rabbitmq/server.crt"},{keyfile,"/etc/rabbitmq/server.key"},{verify,verify_none},{fail_if_no_peer_cert,false}]},{default_user,<<2 bytes>>},{default_pass,<<8 bytes>>},{vm_memory_high_watermark,5.000000e-01}]},{rabbitmq_management,[{listener,[{port,15672},{ssl,true}]}]}]}
>>> y(1)     rabbitmq_web_dispatch
>>> y(2)     [{ssl,temporary},{public_key,temporary},{crypto,temporary},{rabbitmq_web_dispatch,temporary},{webmachine,temporary},{mochiweb,temporary},{xmerl,temporary},{inets,temporary},{amqp_client,temporary},{mnesia,temporary},{sasl,permanent},{stdlib,permanent},{kernel,permanent}]
>>> y(3)     [{ssl,<0.507.0>},{public_key,undefined},{crypto,<0.501.0>},{rabbitmq_web_dispatch,<0.255.0>},{webmachine,<0.250.0>},{mochiweb,undefined},{xmerl,undefined},{inets,<0.237.0>},{amqp_client,<0.233.0>},{mnesia,<0.60.0>},{sasl,<0.34.0>},{stdlib,undefined},{kernel,<0.9.0>}]
>>> 0x00007f9bd79483c0 Return addr 0x00000000008827d8 (<terminate process normally>)
>>> y(0)     application_controller
>>> y(1)     {state,[],[],[],[{ssl,<0.507.0>},{public_key,undefined},{crypto,<0.501.0>},{rabbitmq_web_dispatch,<0.255.0>},{webmachine,<0.250.0>},{mochiweb,undefined},{xmerl,undefined},{inets,<0.237.0>},{amqp_client,<0.233.0>},{mnesia,<0.60.0>},{sasl,<0.34.0>},{stdlib,undefined},{kernel,<0.9.0>}],[],[{ssl,temporary},{public_key,temporary},{crypto,temporary},{rabbitmq_web_dispatch,temporary},{webmachine,temporary},{mochiweb,temporary},{xmerl,temporary},{inets,temporary},{amqp_client,temporary},{mnesia,temporary},{sasl,permanent},{stdlib,permanent},{kernel,permanent}],[],[{rabbit,[{ssl_listeners,[5671]},{ssl_options,[{cacertfile,"/etc/rabbitmq/server.cacrt"},{certfile,"/etc/rabbitmq/server.crt"},{keyfile,"/etc/rabbitmq/server.key"},{verify,verify_none},{fail_if_no_peer_cert,false}]},{default_user,<<2 bytes>>},{default_pass,<<8 bytes>>},{vm_memory_high_watermark,5.000000e-01}]},{rabbitmq_management,[{listener,[{port,15672},{ssl,true}]}]}]}
>>> y(2)     application_controller
>>> y(3)     <0.2.0>
>>> y(4)     {stop_application,rabbitmq_web_dispatch}
>>> y(5)     {<0.5864.275>,#Ref<0.0.20562.258345>}
>>> y(6)     Catch 0x00007f9bf9a600c8 (gen_server:handle_msg/5 + 272)
>>> -------------------------
>>> pid: <6676.255.0>
>>> registered name: none
>>> stacktrace: [{application_master,get_child_i,1,
>>>                                [{file,"application_master.erl"},{line,392}]},
>>>            {application_master,handle_msg,2,
>>>                                [{file,"application_master.erl"},{line,216}]},
>>>            {application_master,terminate_loop,2,
>>>                                [{file,"application_master.erl"},{line,206}]},
>>>            {application_master,terminate,2,
>>>                                [{file,"application_master.erl"},{line,227}]},
>>>            {application_master,handle_msg,2,
>>>                                [{file,"application_master.erl"},{line,219}]},
>>>            {application_master,main_loop,2,
>>>                                [{file,"application_master.erl"},{line,194}]},
>>>            {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,227}]}]
>>> -------------------------
>>> Program counter: 0x00007f9bf9a570e0 (application_master:get_child_i/1 + 120)
>>> CP: 0x0000000000000000 (invalid)
>>> arity = 0
>>> 0x00007f9c1adc3dc8 Return addr 0x00007f9bf9a54eb0 (application_master:handle_msg/2 + 280)
>>> y(0)     <0.256.0>
>>> 0x00007f9c1adc3dd8 Return addr 0x00007f9bf9a54d20 (application_master:terminate_loop/2 + 520)
>>> y(0)     #Ref<0.0.20562.258362>
>>> y(1)     <0.9596.275>
>>> y(2)     {state,<0.256.0>,{appl_data,rabbitmq_web_dispatch,[],undefined,{rabbit_web_dispatch_app,[]},[rabbit_web_dispatch,rabbit_web_dispatch_app,rabbit_web_dispatch_registry,rabbit_web_dispatch_sup,rabbit_web_dispatch_util,rabbit_webmachine],[],infinity,infinity},[],0,<0.29.0>}
>>> 0x00007f9c1adc3df8 Return addr 0x00007f9bf9a55108 (application_master:terminate/2 + 192)
>>> y(0)     <0.256.0>
>>> 0x00007f9c1adc3e08 Return addr 0x00007f9bf9a54f70 (application_master:handle_msg/2 + 472)
>>> y(0)     []
>>> y(1)     normal
>>> 0x00007f9c1adc3e20 Return addr 0x00007f9bf9a54a60 (application_master:main_loop/2 + 1600)
>>> y(0)     <0.7.0>
>>> y(1)     #Ref<0.0.20562.258360>
>>> y(2)     Catch 0x00007f9bf9a54f70 (application_master:handle_msg/2 + 472)
>>> 0x00007f9c1adc3e40 Return addr 0x00007f9bfb969420 (proc_lib:init_p_do_apply/3 + 56)
>>> y(0)     <0.7.0>
>>> 0x00007f9c1adc3e50 Return addr 0x00000000008827d8 (<terminate process normally>)
>>> y(0)     Catch 0x00007f9bfb969440 (proc_lib:init_p_do_apply/3 + 88)
>>> -------------------------
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