[erlang-bugs] xmerl_scan leaks ets table

Erik Søe Sørensen ess@REDACTED
Thu Jun 6 13:48:30 CEST 2013

Hi there -
When parsing a string, xmerl_scan creates an ets table which it doesn't 
delete again in the case of exceptions.


    Erlang R16B (erts-5.10.1) [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8]
    [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

    Eshell V5.10.1  (abort with ^G)
    1> length(ets:all()).
    2> catch xmerl_scan:string("").
    3900- fatal: expected_element_start_tag
    3> length(ets:all()).

(I just re-discovered this bug; I apologize for having neglected to 
report it earlier, considering that I've noticed it before some years ago.)

 From a brief inspection at the code, I think the place to ensure table 
deletion would be to add a "try...after" in scan_document. 
Alternatively, it could be done in int_string/4 and int_string_decl/4, 
where the cleanup can mirror the calls to 
initial_state0()->initial_state() where the ets table is created.

Erik Søe Sørensen

Mobile: + 45 26 36 17 55 | Skype: eriksoesorensen | Twitter: @eriksoe
Trifork A/S  |  Margrethepladsen 4  |  DK-8000 Aarhus C | 
www.trifork.com <http://www.trifork.com/>
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