[erlang-bugs] xmerl_xsd incorrect behavior?

Alexander Demidenko alex.demidenko@REDACTED
Thu May 12 14:15:29 CEST 2011

Hello, friends!

I found two trubles with xmerl_xsd module.

When I try to validate "invalid_xml_bug.xml" by "ss.xsd" (see
attachment files), I'll get the error:


But, as I know, this xml absolutly correct.

Second problem is big memory eating. (depends of counts <ss> tag
inside of <ss_list>)
When I try to validate "memory_leak_bug.xml" by "ss.xsd" my
application hang, and memory usage begin increasing.

To show this two problems I've wrote "xml_test" module with two
methods "invalid_xml_test", "memory_leak_xml_test".

-export([invalid_xml_test/0, memory_leak_xml_test/0]).

read_xml(FileName) ->
    {ok, Schema} = xmerl_xsd:process_schema("ss.xsd"),
    {ok, BXml} = file:read_file(FileName),
    Xml = erlang:binary_to_list(BXml),
    {XmerXml, _} = xmerl_scan:string(Xml),
    xmerl_xsd:validate(XmerXml, Schema).

invalid_xml_test() ->
    Result = read_xml("invalid_xml_bug.xml"),
    io:format("~p~n", [Result]).

memory_leak_xml_test() ->
    Result = read_xml("memory_leak_bug.xml"),
    io:format("~p~n", [Result]).

Tested by Erlang 13B4, xmerl 1.2.4 and 14B2, xmerl 1.2.8

With best regards,
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