[erlang-bugs] QLC bug

Robert Virding robert.virding@REDACTED
Wed Jun 22 04:17:37 CEST 2011

If you generate the expansion from the example in documentation:

qlc:q([{A,X,Z,W} ||
          A <- [a,b,c],
          {X,Z} <- [{a,1},{b,4},{c,6}],
          {W,Y} <- [{2,a},{3,b},{4,c}],
          X =:= Y]).

and then from the equivalent canonical form:

qlc:q([{A,X,Z,W} ||
          A <- [a,b,c],
          {X,Z} <- [{a,1},{b,4},{c,6}],
          {W,Y} <- [{2,a},{3,b},{4,c}],
          erlang:'=:='(X, Y)]).

you find that they are VERY different. The first one is much larger with more cases in it. I don't know if they are equivalent. Note that this is *exactly the same code* with just a different way of writing the equality test.

If they are not equivalent then it is definitely a bug as both forms are equivalent, X =:= Y is just the operator syntax for the canonical form erlang:'=:='(X, Y).

Even if they are equivalent then it is probably also as bug as there is no reason for the expansions to be different as again the code is the same.

A quick idea as to why it is like this is that the special handling of operators is done before it is converted into the canonical form.


Robert Virding, Erlang Solutions Ltd.

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