[erlang-bugs] Erlang doesn't connect with "short" long names

Shinji Ikari maggio.vincenzo@REDACTED
Thu Jul 28 22:07:32 CEST 2011

the problem, on my laptop (Win XP SP3, OTP/R14B3), can be simply replicated with starting two nodes with "short" long names and try to connect them:

    c:\> erl -name a@REDACTED


    c:\> erl -name b@REDACTED
    []      -----> as expected after a 'pang'!

So Erlang doesn't seem to connect this way. But if you simply:

    c:\> erl -name a@REDACTED


    c:\> erl -name b@REDACTED

    [a@REDACTED]    -----------> as expected after a 'pong'!

Really, no clue here, I've also checked standard rules for domain names: there is an upper limit (63 characters) but no lower limit, AFAIK.

Thanks in advance!

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