Syntax of fun expressions

Kostis Sagonas kostis@REDACTED
Sat Mar 6 10:25:37 CET 2010

In most languages, one is typically allowed to use parentheses in most 

Indeed, in Erlang one can write all these below:

   1> lists:last([1,2,3]).
   2> lists:last(([1,2,3])).
   3> lists:(last)([1,2,3]).
   4> (lists):last([1,2,3]).
   5> (lists):(last)(([1,2,3])).

The same is not allowed in the constituents of fun expressions.
One is not allowed to put parentheses in any component of:

	fun M:F/A

For example, fun (lists):last/1 results in a syntax error.
I think this is inconsistent.

Why do I want to add parentheses around fun constituents you may ask?

A tidier user complained that tidier's suggestion to transform

	spawn_link(?MODULE, rec, [])
	spawn_link(fun (?MODULE):rec/0)

resulted in a syntax error.  Arguably, (?MODULE) expresses the grouping 
of ? with MODULE in ?MODULE:rec/0 better than without parentheses.

Moreover, apparently the parser insists that M and F are *statically* 
atoms (and A integer) so one cannot write:

	M = lists,
	F = fun M:last/1

I can possibly understand why A has to be statically known, but why 
should M and F also be? I thought, perhaps wrongly, that the sequence 
above is anyway transformed to its equivalent one:

	M = lists,
	F = fun (_L) -> M:last(_L) end.


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