ssl:ssl_accept/1 discrepancy in spec and doc

Kostis Sagonas kostis@REDACTED
Wed Dec 29 10:24:54 CET 2010

ssl's published documentation states:

    ssl_accept(ListenSocket) ->
    ssl_accept(ListenSocket, Timeout) -> ok | {error, Reason}


while its code has the specs:

-spec ssl_accept(#sslsocket{}) -> {ok, #sslsocket{}} | {error, reason()}.
-spec ssl_accept(#sslsocket{}, list() | timeout()) -> {ok, #sslsocket{}} 
| {error, reason()}.

One of the two cannot be right.  This should be fixed.

Moreover, I do not see why the spec just mentions list() for the options 
when the documentation explicitly mentions the options of ssl.


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