Bug in c:nc, R13B01

Alex Suraci i.am@REDACTED
Wed Sep 30 06:10:39 CEST 2009

Potential fix?: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/142193/

I'll submit a patch but I'd prefer having some input as this is kind of
a low-level part of Erlang (being in the stdlib and all).

Description of changes: if an outdir is specified, Fname should be prefixed
with that, otherwise it should be the cwd, as that's where compile:file will
put the .beam file.

- Alex

On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 6:33 PM, Alex Suraci <i.am@REDACTED> wrote:
> Excerpt from lib/stdlib/src/c.erl: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/140752/
> On line 7, Fname is naively assumed to be a .beam file compiled
> to the same directory where the source .erl file resided. However, this
> is often false, for example when there is an `outdir' option, or when
> calling `nc()' from the shell with a path to a file like "foo/bar" (in which
> case compile:file just plops it in the cwd of the shell).
> For example. when you call `make:all([netload])' and your Emakefile
> specifies `ebin' as your outdir, it will call `c:nc' and it'll compile fine,
> but the modules won't update and you'll have no idea why (until you
> dig a little deeper).
> So, really, the only way for this function to work properly is when
> compiling with the shell's cwd being the same directory as the .erl file.
> --
> Alex


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