asn1ct:value/1 bug(s)?

Anders Nygren anders.nygren@REDACTED
Wed Sep 9 18:12:04 CEST 2009

In the past, (R12B1 or something like that), I have been able to use
asn1ct:value/1 to generate random data according to an ASN.1 spec.

But it seems to not work anymore in R13B02.

Error 1:
In MAP-MS-DataTypes.asn there is

RAB-Id ::= INTEGER (1..maxNrOfRABs)

maxNrOfRABs INTEGER ::= 255

50> asn1ct:value('MAP-MS-DataTypes-v6','RAB-Id').

Error 2:
In some cases it returns ok, but with errors in nested elements of the
51>  asn1ct:value('MAP-MS-DataTypes-v6','InsertSubscriberDataRes').

Error 3?:
Also in MAP-MS-DataTypes.asn

T-BcsmTriggerDetectionPoint ::= ENUMERATED {
	termAttemptAuthorized (12),
	... ,
	tBusy (13),
	tNoAnswer (14)}

52> asn1ct:value('MAP-MS-DataTypes-v6','T-BcsmTriggerDetectionPoint').

Is asn1_EMPTY really a valid value for this type?


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