[erlang-bugs] wxErlang: using wxSizer with wxStaticBox causes shell crash on frame close

Steve Davis steven.charles.davis@REDACTED
Sun Mar 15 00:39:35 CET 2009

This seems to be the correct way to deal with wxStaticBox, that is 
pretty unintuitive, but stable and works correctly.

I post this for comparison with the code that causes the crash issue, 
since having the comparison may help nail things down a bit further.

box(Parent, Opts) ->
	GxName = get_atom(id, Opts),
	Label = get_string(label, Opts),
	%% NOTE: wxStaticBox must be added as a first sibling, and not used as
	%% the parent or wxWidgets will *crash* on exit. Thus we enclose the
	%% box in a panel and add in the StaticBox as the first child.	
	Panel = wxPanel:new(Parent),
	Sizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
	Box = wxStaticBox:new(Panel, -1, Label),
	BoxSizer = wxStaticBoxSizer:new(Box, ?wxVERTICAL),
	wxSizer:add(BoxSizer, Sizer),
	wxPanel:setSizer(Panel, BoxSizer),
	ParentSizer = wxWindow:getSizer(Parent),
	SizerFlags = get_sizer_flags(Opts),
	wxSizer:add(ParentSizer, Panel, SizerFlags),
	wxSizer:fit(Sizer, Parent),
	gx:register(GxName, Panel).

Steve Davis wrote:
> More info: This is not wxErlang per se but the wxWidgets code.
> While the erlang code below is "legal", the wxWidgets documentation for 
> wxStaticBoxSizer explicitly states that it should be added as a sibling 
> to the controls that should be visually enclosed, and not used as a 
> parent; and that using it as a parent will cause a crash.
> However, perhaps wxErlang can catch that problem before it results in a 
> complete system thread crash that takes erl/werl with it?
> Regs,
> Steve
> Steve Davis wrote:
>> Dan and co.
>> This is reproable on Windows XP SP3, I don't have another platform to 
>> hand...
>> The following function contains a line that causes a SHELL crash on 
>> frame close.
>> Note! the exactly equivalent code using wxPanel does not cause the crash.
>> %% Function causes shell to crash on top level window close... why?
>> box(Parent, Opts) ->
>>     GxName = get_atom(id, Opts),
>>     Label = get_string(label, Opts),
>>     Box = wxStaticBox:new(Parent, -1, Label),
>>     %% Do sizer stuff...
>>     Sizer = wxStaticBoxSizer:new(Box, ?wxVERTICAL),       
>> wxWindow:setSizer(Box, Sizer),
>>     SizerFlags = wxSizerFlags:new(),
>>     wxSizerFlags:expand(SizerFlags),
>>     ParentSizer = wxWindow:getSizer(Parent),
>> % layout doesn't doesn't work without the following line...
>>     wxSizer:add(ParentSizer, Sizer, SizerFlags),
>> % ...but this sizer addition crashes the SHELL on top level window close
>>     wxSizer:fit(Sizer, Parent),       gx:register(GxName, Box).
>> BR,
>> Steve

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