Minor etop patches: dropped, garbage, output width

Scott Lystig Fritchie fritchie@REDACTED
Mon Jun 22 22:17:57 CEST 2009

Hi, all.  I have a suggestion for patching etop (patch relative to
R13B01 but can be applied to earlier releases, I think).

The first patch hunk removes the messages for dropped or garbage
messages: this always seems to happen when the etop-traced node is under
heavy CPU load, and there's nothing the etop-using human can do about
it.  Using "egrep -v" to filter away the messages is tedious.

The second patch hunk changes the width of the output (though without
changing the width of the "----" header at the top of the columns).  20
characters isn't wide enough to display meaningful mod/fun/arity info
when some module names can be a dozen or more characters long each.  For
communication between our support staff and developers, it's nice if
"etop" would display enough data to actually be of real use.  :-)


--- snip --- snip --- snip --- snip --- snip --- snip ---

--- otp_src_R13B01/lib/observer/src/etop_tr.erl.orig	2009-06-19 19:15:08.000000000 -0500
+++ otp_src_R13B01/lib/observer/src/etop_tr.erl	2009-06-19 19:15:18.000000000 -0500
@@ -83,13 +83,13 @@
 handle_data(_W, {drop, D}, _) ->  %% Error case we are missing data here!
-    io:format("Erlang top dropped data ~p~n", [D]),
+    %% SLF: don't care... io:format("Erlang top dropped data ~p~n", [D]),
 handle_data(nopid, {_, _, out, _, _}, _Store) ->
     %% ignore - there was probably just a 'drop'
 handle_data(_, G, _) ->
-    io:format("Erlang top got garbage ~p~n", [G]),
+    %% SLF: don't care... io:format("Erlang top got garbage ~p~n", [G]),
 elapsed({Me1, S1, Mi1}, {Me2, S2, Mi2}) ->
--- otp_src_R13B01/lib/observer/src/etop_txt.erl.orig	2009-06-19 19:19:47.000000000 -0500
+++ otp_src_R13B01/lib/observer/src/etop_txt.erl	2009-06-19 19:19:35.000000000 -0500
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
--define(PROCFORM,"~-15w~-20s~8w~8w~8w~8w ~-20s~n").
+-define(PROCFORM,"~-15w~-20s~8w~8w~8w~8w ~-50s~n").
 stop(Pid) -> Pid ! stop.

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