Dialyzer and parametrized modules (semi-crash)

Brentley Jones the.ajarn@REDACTED
Mon Jun 15 20:27:44 CEST 2009

First of all, I couldn't reply to my other post, so I'm sending this  
one separate. (If someone can help me figure out how to add on to  
another message I sent, it would be great).

Another bug with parametrized modules, this time dealing with the - 
spec declaration.

When using a spec declaration in a parametrized module dialyzer will  
semi-crash. (And before it's asked, I tried with many different specs,  
the one below is just the simplest I could get it to show off the  

This only happens when using a built PLT, as calling this with -- 
build_plt bring up no error:

$ dialyzer -c ebin --build_plt
   Creating PLT /Users/Ajarn/.dialyzer_plt ... done in 0m0.24s
done (passed successfully)

$ dialyzer -c ebin
   Checking whether the PLT /Users/Ajarn/.dialyzer_plt is up-to- 
date... yes
   Proceeding with analysis...
=ERROR REPORT==== 14-Jun-2009::10:54:31 ===
Error in process <0.30.0> with exit value: {function_clause, 

dialyzer: Analysis failed with error: {function_clause, 
Last messages in the log cache:
   Typesig analysis for SCC: [{parameter,instance,1}]
   Typesig analysis for SCC: [{parameter,test,2}]
   Typesig analysis for SCC: [{parameter,module_info,0}]
   Typesig analysis for SCC: [{parameter,new,1}]
   Typesig analysis for SCC: [{param_user,module_info,0}]
   Typesig analysis for SCC: [{param_user,module_info,1}]
   Typesig analysis for SCC: [{param_user,test,1}]
   Dataflow of one SCC: [param_w_spec]
   Dataflow of one SCC: [parameter]
   Dataflow of one SCC: [param_user]

With the code below:

%% param_user.erl


test(Module) ->
     M = param_w_spec:new(Module),

%% param_w_spec.erl
-module(param_w_spec, [X]).


-spec(init/0 :: () -> any()).
init() ->

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