Erlang R13B01 ssh_transport possible bug

Kenji Rikitake kenji.rikitake@REDACTED
Fri Aug 21 03:47:55 CEST 2009

This is a simplified version of previous patch at

I think this is a bug, so I resubmit the issue and the patch here.

BUG FOUND: ssh_transport:unpack/3 causes crash by passing a null
binary (<<>>) to erlang:split_binary/2, with error code badarg.

By tracing the exchange between a FreeBSD OpenSSH implementation, I
found a case where the internal variable SshLength in
ssh_transport:unpack/3 goes to zero, which leads to passing a null
binary as an argument to ssh_transport:decrypt_blocks/3 and to
aes_cbc_ivec/1.  So I added a case statement to avoid calling the
decrypt_blocks/3 when SshLength = 0.

Patch follow.

Kenji Rikitake

--- lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl.orig
+++ lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl
@@ -714,8 +714,13 @@
 				  Rest0/binary>> = EncodedSoFar,
 				 {NoMac0, Mac0, Rest0}
-    {Ssh1, DecData, <<>>} = 
-	ssh_transport:decrypt_blocks(NoMac, SshLength, Ssh0),
+    {Ssh1, DecData, <<>>} = case SshLength of
+                                0 ->
+                                    {Ssh0, <<>>, <<>>};
+                                _ ->
+                                     ssh_transport:decrypt_blocks(NoMac, SshLeng
+th, Ssh0)
+                            end,
     {Ssh1, DecData, Rest, Mac}.
 msg_data(PacketData) ->

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