[erlang-bugs] R13B compiler regression ?

Vincent de Phily vincent.dephily@REDACTED
Mon Apr 27 20:29:00 CEST 2009

Hi there,

I have the following compiler error :

$ erlc test/aaaa_compileerror.erl
Function -add_clients/1-fun-0-/2 refers to undefined label 9
test/aaaa_compileerror.erl:none: internal error in beam_peep;
crash reason: {{case_clause,{'EXIT',{undefined_label,9}}},

when compiling this :

add_clients(Count) ->
    Timeout = 42,
    lists:foldl(fun(_, N) ->
                        %receive after Timeout -> ok end,
                        case N of
                            1 -> ok;
                            %2 -> receive after Timeout -> ok end;
                            %_ -> Timeout
                            _ -> receive after Timeout -> ok end
                            %_ -> ko
                        N - 1
                end, Count, [1,2,3]).

This is narrowed-down code from something that compiles fine in R12B-5. 
Playing around with the example, seemingly innocuous changes make the error 

Pity to find this now, I should have tested R13A :/

Vincent de Phily

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