[erlang-bugs] Annoying catch in timer:tc/3

Ulf Wiger (TN/EAB) ulf.wiger@REDACTED
Fri Mar 28 09:59:25 CET 2008

Torbjorn Tornkvist skrev:
> Why is it a catch hidden in timer:tc/3 ?
> tc(M, F, A) ->
>     Before = erlang:now(),
>     Val = (catch apply(M, F, A)),        % <== ANNOYING CATCH HERE !!
>     After = erlang:now(),
>     {now_diff(After, Before), Val}.
> I suggest that it is removed.
> Cheers, Tobbe

Perhaps a new function then? timer:measure(M,F,A),
which doesn't catch.

Ulf W

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