[erlang-bugs] Compiler crash

Vladimir Klebansky VKlebansky@REDACTED
Tue Mar 25 18:36:36 CET 2008

Compiler crashes when compiling this small sample program (tst.erl):
-record(rec, {key, val}).
print_rec(Rec) ->
   <<K:2/binary,_Rest:5/binary>> = Rec#rec.key,
   case K of
      <<"XX">> ->
         Value = Rec#rec.val,
         case lists:keysearch("xxxxxxxx", 1, Value) of
            {value, T} -> io:format("{~p, [~p]}~n", [Rec#rec.key, T]);
            false -> ok
      _ -> ok
The error message:
tst: function print_rec/1+29:
  Internal consistency check failed - please report this bug.
  Instruction: {put_list,{y,0},{x,0},{x,1}}
  Error:       {match_context,{y,0}}:

Running R12B-1 on Linux and Windows.
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