[erlang-bugs] Bug in QLC ?

Torbjorn Tornkvist tobbe@REDACTED
Tue Mar 25 11:28:55 CET 2008


(Sorry if this bug-report is coming out twice, I tried to
post it via trapexit.org yesterday but seem to have failed...)

I've been playing around with my natural DSL engine which generates
QLC questions like the one below:

[{X1#invoice.invno,X2#person.fname,X2#person.lname} ||
 X1 <- mnesia:table(invoice),
 X1#invoice.eid == 308,
 X2 <- mnesia:table(person),
 X1#invoice.pno == X2#person.pno]

It causes qlc to crash:

=ERROR REPORT==== 25-Mar-2008::11:19:03 ===
exit: {function_clause,[{file,check_args,[false]},

So perhaps my QLC-question is wrong, or it is a bug in qlc?

Running R11B-2 on Linux. The QLC was being run in a dirty context.

Cheers, Tobbe
(Ps. The DSL query was: for every invoice and person record where eid ==
308 and inv_pno == pno return invno, fname and lname as a table )

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