[erlang-bugs] documentation out of date - /doc/getting_started/seq_prog.html

Doug Edmunds dae@REDACTED
Sun Jan 6 19:40:34 CET 2008

Documentation should be updated to reflect this change:

file: [root]/doc/getting_started/seq_prog.html
section: 2.11  If and Case
code example: tut9.erl

The output shown is for versions prior to 12B:

70> tut9:test_if(33, 33).

=ERROR REPORT==== 11-Jun-2003::14:03:43 ===
Error in process <0.85.0> with exit value:
** exited: {if_clause,[{tut9,test_if,2},
                           {shell,eval_loop,2}]} **

The output for 12B is (I get this result):

3> tut9:test_if(33, 33).
** exception error: no true branch found when evaluating an if expression
      in function  tut9:test_if/2



The current explanation (near beginning of 2.11 says only
"If no condition matches, there will be a run time failure."

Perhaps change to this:

If no condition matches, there will be a run time failure.
The error message is "no true branch found when evaluating an if 

Doug Edmunds

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