[erlang-bugs] Erlang on MacOSX 10.5

Mickaël Rémond mickael.remond@REDACTED
Fri Nov 16 10:17:27 CET 2007


For your information on MacOSX 10.5 OS mon does not work totally fine  
(at least CPU Mon)

I did not look deeper into the problem yet. If you need more  
information I can provide that.

I get the following crash:

=ERROR REPORT==== 16-Nov-2007::10:13:06 ===
** Generic server cpu_sup terminating
** Last message in was "f"
** When Server state == {state,not_used,[],{unix,darwin}}
** Reason for termination ==
** {{badmatch,{error,{fread,float}}},

=CRASH REPORT==== 16-Nov-2007::10:13:06 ===
     pid: <0.523.0>
     registered_name: cpu_sup
     error_info: {{badmatch,{error,{fread,float}}},
     initial_call: {gen,init_it,
     ancestors: [os_mon_sup,<0.517.0>]
     messages: []
     links: [<0.518.0>]
     dictionary: []
     trap_exit: true
     status: running
     heap_size: 610
     stack_size: 21
     reductions: 347

=SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 16-Nov-2007::10:13:06 ===
      Supervisor: {local,os_mon_sup}
      Context:    child_terminated
      Reason:     {{badmatch,{error,{fread,float}}},
      Offender:   [{pid,<0.523.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 16-Nov-2007::10:13:06 ===
           supervisor: {local,os_mon_sup}
              started: [{pid,<0.628.0>},


Mickaël Rémond

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