[erlang-bugs] crashes when running two servers with the same name

Denys Rtveliashvili rtvd@REDACTED
Thu May 31 18:30:05 CEST 2007

Hi Matthias,

Is this error message supposed to be in erl_crash.dump?
I do see it neither there nor on console.

Thanks for the hint about two nodes with the same name anyway.

Denys Rtveliashvili

> Denys Rtveliashvili writes:
>  > I experience crashes whenever I run two "erl" processes with the
>  > same name.
> "Doctor, doctor, it hurts whenever I stick a pencil in my eye."
> "Well, don't do that then".
> You are not allowed to start two erlang nodes with the same name. The
> error message tells you this in a fairly obscure way. They key is this
> part of the error message:
>   {error_logger,{{2007,5,31},{10,7,28}},"Protocol: ~p: register error: ~p~n",["inet_tcp",{{badmatch,{error,duplicate_name}},
> Matthias

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