[erlang-bugs] systools problem with resource file syntax

Vance Shipley vances@REDACTED
Thu Dec 20 09:01:40 CET 2007

If an application resource file contains an included application
the included application should automatically be included in a 
release package which has including application listed in it's 
release resource file.

The documentation for the release resource file lists the
alternative form {Application, AppVsn, IncApps}:

   "IncApps = [atom()] is a list of applications that are 
    included by an application included in the release.  The
    list must be a subset of the included applications specified 
    in the application resource file (Application.app) and 
    overrides this value.  Defaults to the empty list."

In R12B-0 if the included application is not listed in the
release resource file, or is only in an IncApps list, the
error "Undefined applications" is returned.


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