[erlang-bugs] Typographic defects in R11B-0 to R11B-5 HTML docs

G Bulmer gbulmer@REDACTED
Thu Aug 30 23:56:40 CEST 2007

There are 5 typographic defects in the R11B-0 to R11B-5 HTML  
documentation in file:
file.html:3288:    ok = file:write(FD, <<M:32/ 
file.html:3306:create_file(FD, M, N) when M + 1024 =< N ->
file.html:3314:create_file(FD, M, N0, R) when M + 8 =< N0 ->
file.html:3318:                [<<N8:32/unsigned,   

These are in the "Performance" section, near the end of the page.
Firefox renders:
     create_file_slow(FD, M, N) ->
         ok = file:write(FD, <<M:32/unsigned>>),
         create_file_slow(FD, M+1, N).

I believe this should read:
     create_file_slow(FD, M, N) ->
         ok = file:write(FD, <<M:32/unsigned>>),
         create_file_slow(FD, M+1, N).

Later on the same page, there is:
       create_file(FD, M, N) when M + 1024 =< N ->
instead of:
       create_file(FD, M, N) when M + 1024 =< N ->

Earlier versions of the documentation do not appear to suffer this  
     lib/kernel-2.10/doc/html/file.html, and
     lib/kernel-2.10.13/doc/html/file.html are okay.
But lib/kernel-2.11/doc/html/file.html contains errors.

The HTML source should read:
      ok = file:write(FD, <<M:32/unsigned>>),

but in ... lib/kernel-2.11.5/doc/html/file.html, it reads:
     ok = file:write(FD, &lt;&lt;M:32/unsigned&gt;&gt;),

The HTML escape for '&' has been used, rather than the escape for  
'<'. There are several explanations, but it's worth noting &lt is an  
escape for '<', and &#38 is an escape for '&'.

I've grep'ed through the R11B-5 HTML document files, and these have a  
single defect:
           Shutdown = brutal_kill | integer() &gt;=0 | infinity


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