EEP: XXX Title: Safe file operations Version: $Revision: 37 $ Last-Modified: $Date: 2008-07-11 15:47:13 +0200 (Fri, 11 Jul 2008) $ Author: Zoltan Peter Toth [zoltan(dot)peter(dot)toth(at)ericsson(dot)com] Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/plain Created: 17-Nov-2008 Erlang-Version: R13B-0 Post-History: 17-Nov-2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract This EEP proposes additional file operation functions to allow for concurrency-safe working. Specification It is proposed that the file operations in module file and filelib be duplicated to have a version which operates on an already opened file, using the IoDevice returned from file:open. Examples are file:read_file*, file:consult, filelib:file_size, file_lib:is_*, filelib:last_modified, file:change_*, file:read_link, file:script, file:write_file*. Further on, erlang:open_port could be enhanced to support {iodev, In, Out} (enhancing {fd, In, Out}) or {spawn_iodev, IoDevice} (enhancing {spawn, Command}). For the implementation of these functions in GNU libc, see chapter 2.2 in [1], particularly the table 2.2.1. Motivation The current function implementations mentioned above cannot protect against a case when 1. a file is opened by application 1 2. something is checked on it (access rights, size, checksum,...) 3. the file is closed 4. it is changed by application 2 5. it is opened again by application 1 assuming that the checks performed in step 2 would still succeed. Rationale The proposed change would be useful both for implementing secure file operations (i.e. to prevent security holes), as well as concurrency-safe applications like e.g. server side executables/scripts that access the same files/databases. References [1] Defensive Programming for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ulrich Drepper, Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain. Local Variables: mode: indented-text indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: t fill-column: 70 coding: utf-8 End: