EEP: XXX Title: Extensions to comprehensions Version: $Revision: 14 $ Last-Modified: $Date: 2007-06-29 16:24:01 +0200 (Fri, 29 Jun 2007) $ Author: Richard A. O'Keefe Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Erlang-Version: R12B-4 Content-Type: text/plain Created: 30-Jul-2008 Post-History: Abstract ====================================================================== Add Clean-inspired multi-sequence generators to comprehensions, making code more intention-revealing and reducing the need to zip. This is related to EEP 12 [1], but is independent of it. Specification Currently, Erlang has Pattern <- Expr to enumerate over the elements of a single list and Pattern <= Expr to enumerate over a binary. EEP 12 [1] adds Pattern [<-] List Pattern {<-} Tuple Pattern <<<->> Binary This proposal changes that to generator: term_generator | binary_generator; binary_generator: pattern '<=' expression; term_generator: term_generator '&&' term_generator | pattern '<-' expression; if we otherwise stick with current Erlang, or generator: term_generator | binary_generator; binary_generator: pattern '<=' expression | pattern '<<' '<-' '>>' expression; term_generator: term_generator '&&' term_generator | pattern '<-' expression | pattern '[' '<-' ']' expression | pattern '{' '<-' '}' expression; if we go with EEP 12. The effect of P1 <- E1 && ... Pn <- En is the effect of {P1,...,Pn} <- zip(E1, ..., En) where zip([X1|Xs1], ..., [Xn|Xsn]) -> [{X1,...,Xn} | zip(Xs1, ..., Xsn)]; zip([], ..., []) -> []. However, it is expected that there will NOT be any extra list or tuples created by the implementation; this specifies the effect but NOT how it is to be implemented. The effect of a term generator using the new notations of EEP 12 is that which would be obtained by first replacing P {<-} E with P <- tuple_to_list(E) P [<-] E with P <- E and then applying the translation above. Motivation "How do I iterate over several lists at once?" is a moderately common question from Erlang and Haskell beginners. The stock answer, "use zip", is almost tolerable for Haskell, where the the zipping family goes up to 7 lists and the compiler works hard to eliminate the intermediate data structures by using deforestation. For Erlang, where even zip4 is missing, and where the apparent cost of creating the unwanted list and tuples is all too real, the fact that the use of zips makes the code harder to read means that there is no good to outweigh the bad. With the new notation, zip4(As, Bs, Cs, Ds) -> [{A,B,C,D} || A <- As && B <- Bs && C <- Cs && D <- Ds]. zipwith4(F, As, Bs, Cs, Ds) -> [F(A,B,C,D) || A <- As && B <- Bs && C <- Cs && D <- Ds]. dot(Xs, Ys) -> sum([X*Y || X <- Xs && Y <- Ys]). ifelse(Tests, Xs, Ys) -> % Simulate R's ifelse(,,) [ case T of true -> X ; false -> Y end || T <- Tests && X <- Xs && Y <- Ys ]. Rationale This is a case where no invention is required, really. Clean has Qualifier = Generators {|Guard} Generators = {Generator}-list | Generator {& Generator} Generator = Selector <- ListExpr // lazy list | Selector <|- ListExpr // overloaded list | Selector <-: ArrayExpr // array All I have to do is bend this a little to fit it into Erlang syntax. Since we use "||" for list comprehensions, "&&" was the obvious spelling for generators that step together. I do not yet understand in detail what the Erlang compiler does, but it seems to involve generating an auxiliary function. Let's take [f(X) || X <- Xs, X > 0] as an example. This seems to be compiled as foo(Xs) where foo([X|Xs]) when X > 0 -> [f(X) | foo(Xs)]; foo([_|Xs]) -> foo(Xs); foo([]) -> []. With a multigenerator, the translation is similar. [g(X, Y) || X <- Xs && Y <- Ys, X > Y] can be compiled as bar(Xs, Ys) where bar([X|Xs], [Y|Ys]) when X > Y -> [g(X, Y) | bar(Xs, Ys)]; bar([_|Xs], [_|Ys]) -> bar(Xs, Ys); bar([], []) -> []. Backwards Compatibility The "operator" '&&' is not legal syntax anywhere in Erlang at the moment, so no existing code can be affected. Reference Implementation None yet, but I'd like to do it when I can figure out how. References [1] EEP 12, Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain. Local Variables: mode: indented-text indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: t fill-column: 70 coding: utf-8 End: