EEP proposal - Delayed restarts of supervisor children

Maria Scott maria-12648430@REDACTED
Fri Jun 18 16:56:42 CEST 2021

Hi Fred,

let me try to summarize:

1. the number of cases where careless use of restart delays are dangerous is high (meaning a long but certainly not exhaustive list of "Don'ts" in the docs)

2. the number of use cases where restart delays would be harmless and useful is low

3. even given (2), users may find the feature lacking (incremental backoffs, jitter, whatnot)

4. users (who notoriously don't read any documentation) will see it as a silver bullet for any kind of problem for which it was never meant (and quoting from the last thread on the subject, "i would use backoffs everywhere", you don't seem to be far from the truth)

5. in consequence, the "reputation" of supervisors will suffer with nothing gained but technical debt

Is that, give or take, a proper summary of your concerns?

Kind regards,

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