This EEP suggests the addition of two binary help libraries with built-in functions for time critical activities such as searching and splitting erlang binaries as well as library functions for common operations on binaries. The EEP also suggest the addition of a regular expressions library using built in functions.
For the lists data type there is a help library providing functions for common operations such as searching and splitting lists. This EEP suggests that a similar set of library functions should be created for binaries. Many of the proposed functions are based on answers to questions regarding binaries on the erlang-questions mailing list, e.g. “how do I convert a number to a binary?”.
Since binaries are typically used for time critical activities on larger amounts of data it is suggested that some operations on binaries are implemented as built-in functions, BIF:s.
Specifically there seems to be a huge interest in the community for an efficient regexp implementation for searching binaries. Also for maximum performance when searching and splitting binaries it is suggested that the the regexp search function is complemented by a high performance function for simple searches, e.g. locating and splitting binaries on newline characters. Tests show that e.g. the Boyer-Moore algorithm may be significantly faster than regular expression algorithms for such purposes.
When reviewing the EEP it is clear that there is also a strong demand for string operations on binaries for better performance.
The reference implementation sent separately to the OTP team gives an indication of the expected performance improvements compared to e.g. the current regular expression module for searching on lists. Some results are available at the end of this EEP.
This EEP suggests the addition of two new modules; one module named binary and one called binary_string.
The EEP also suggests a new regular expression library based on Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE). The library should be able to operate both on binary_strings and on strings.
Finally, the following functions should be added to the erlang module:
binary_to_atom(Binary) -> Atom
atom_to_binary(Atom) -> Binary
binary_to_existing_atom(Binary) -> Atom
At the moment the following is not included in the EEP:
The binary_string module should be based on the current string module but should operate on strings represented by binaries as opposed to the current strings module which operates on strings represented by lists.
Apart from operating on binaries the interface of binary_string should be the same as for string with the following exceptions:
str/2 and rstr/2 should be modified to optionally take a list of binaries or a MatchSpec such as the one returned by binary:match_compile/2 as second argument. If the Keys argument corresponds to several keys the function should return a tuple indicating the Key that matched and the matching Index, i.e.
str(Binary, Keys) -> Return
rstr(Binary, Keys) -> Return
Binary = binary()
Keys = Key | [ Key ] | MatchSpec
Key = string() | binary()
MatchSpec = tuple() as returned by binary:match_compile/1
Return = Index | {NeedleNumber, Index}
Index = integer()
str/rstr should be implemented as built-in functions using efficient algorithms such as Boyer-Moore, Aho-Corasick or similar. Typically the function could be built on binary:match/2.
A new function split should be added. It should behave as tokens/2 but take a list of separator binaries/strings instead of a list of separator characters.
split(Binary, SplitKeys) -> List
Binary = binary()
SplitKeys = Key | [ Key ] | MatchSpec
Key = string() | binary()
MatchSpec = tuple() as returned by binary:match_compile/1
List = [ binary() ]
Splits Binary into a list of binaries based on matching the pattern specified in the SplitKeys binary.
> binary_string:split(<<"cat and dog">>, <<"and">>).
[<<"cat ">>, <<" dog">>]
> binary_string:split(<<"cat and dog">>, "and").
[<<"cat ">>, <<" dog">>]
> binary_string:split(<<"cat and dog">>,["a","n",<<"d">>]).
[<<"c">>,<<"t ">>,<<" ">>,<<"og">>]
The resulting list should be the same as for regexp:split/2 (with the obvious exception for special characters such as “*”, “.”, “^”, etc).
Please note that the third example should give the same result as binary_string:tokens(«“cat and dog”», “and”).
The new functions substitute and globally_substitute should be added.
3.1. substitute/3
substitute(OldBinary, Key, Replacement)-> NewBinary
OldBinary, NewBinary, Replacement = binary()
Keys = binary() | [ binary() ] | MatchSpec
MatchSpec = tuple() as returned by binary:match_compile/1
Creates a binary NewBinary from OldBinary by substituting the first occurrence of any of the binaries in Keys in OldBinary with the Replacement binary.
The Replacement binary need not have the same size as the matched Key.
> binary_string:substitute(<<"cat anf dog">>,<<"anf">>,<<"and">>).
[<<"cat and dog">>]
3.2. globally_substitute/3
globally_substitute(OldBinary, Key, Replacement)-> NewBinary
OldBinary, NewBinary, Replacement = binary()
Keys = binary() | [ binary() ] | MatchSpec
MatchSpec = tuple() as returned by binary:match_compile/1
Same as substitute except that all non-overlapping occurrences of a subbinary in OldBinary are replaced by the Replacement binary.
It is suggested that the same functions are also added to the string module, but this is out of the scope of this EEP.
The interface of the binary module should have the following exported functions (please note that some functions are intentionally the same as in binary_string since it is believed they can be useful both for string and binary data manipulation):
match(Binary, Keys) -> Return
match(Binary, Keys, {StartIndex, EndIndex}) -> Return
Binary = binary()
Keys = binary() | [ binary() ] | MatchSpec
MatchSpec = tuple() as returned by binary:match_compile/1
StartIndex = EndIndex = integer()
Return = Index | {KeyNumber, Index}
Index = KeyNumber = integer()
Returns position of first occurrence in Binary of the first matching binary in Keys or 0 if no match. If a list of keys is given, the function will return a tuple with the KeyNumber of the matched Key and the position in Binary where it was found.
There has been a discussion on whether the function should return the matched Key instead of the KeyNumber. Returning the KeyNumber should be slightly more efficient, and since the matched key can easily be retrieved by lists:nth(KeyNumber, Keys) if needed it is suggested that the function returns the KeyNumber.
Binary is searched from StartIndex to EndIndex. If StartIndex and EndIndex are not specified the default is to search Binary from the beginning to the end.
> binary:match(<<1,2,3,0,0,0,4>>, <<0,0,0>>).
> binary:match(<<1,2,255,0,0,0,4,255>>, [<<0,0,0>>, <<255>>]).
{2, 3}
Suggestions on implementation: Should be implemented as one or more BIF:s using e.g. Boyer-Moore, Aho-Corasick or similar efficient algorithms.
matches(Binary, Keys) -> Return
matches(Binary, Keys, {StartIndex, EndIndex}) -> Return
Binary = binary()
Keys = binary() | [ binary() ] | MatchSpec
MatchSpec = tuple() as returned by binary:match_compile/1
StartIndex = EndIndex = integer()
Return = [ Index ] | [ {KeyNumber, Index} ]
Index = KeyNumber = integer()
Finds all matches of the Keys in Haystack. Returns a list of the indexes for all non-overlapping occurrences of the key or keys.
split(Binary, SplitKeys) -> List
split(Binary, SplitKeys, {StartIndex, EndIndex}) -> List
Binary = binary()
SplitKeys = binary() | [ binary() ] | MatchSpec
MatchSpec = tuple() as returned by binary:match_compile/1
StartIndex = EndIndex = integer()
List = [ binary() ]
Splits Binary into a list of binaries based on matching the pattern specified in SplitKeys.
> binary:split(<<1,255,4,0,0,0,2,3>>, <<0,0,0>>).
[<<1,255,4>>, <<2,3>>]
> binary:split(<<0,1,0,0,4,255,255,9>>, [<<0,0>>, <<255,255>>]).
The resulting list should basically be the same as for regexp:split/2 (with the obvious exception for special characters such as “*”, “.”, “^”, etc).
The binaries in List are all subbinaries of Binary meaning that the data in Binary is not actually copied to new binaries.
substitute(OldBinary, Key, Replacement)-> NewBinary
OldBinary, NewBinary, Replacement = binary()
Keys = binary() | [ binary() ] | MatchSpec
MatchSpec = tuple() as returned by binary:match_compile/1
Creates a binary NewBinary from OldBinary by substituting the first occurrence of any of the binaries in Keys in OldBinary with the Replacement binary.
The Replacement binary need not have the same size as the matched Key.
globally_substitute(OldBinary, Key, Replacement)-> NewBinary
OldBinary, NewBinary, Replacement = binary()
Keys = binary() | [ binary() ] | MatchSpec
MatchSpec = tuple() as returned by binary:match_compile/1
Same as substitute except that all non-overlapping occurrences of a subbinary in OldBinary are replaced by the Replacement binary.
match_compile(Keys) -> MatchSpec
Keys = binary() | [ binary() ]
MatchSpec = tuple()
Builds an internal structure representing one or more search keys. The MatchSpec structure can be used to speed up searching if multiple searches with binary:match/2 or binary_string:str/2 are to be performed with the same search keywords.
binary:from_unsigned(Integer)-> Binary
binary:to_unsigned(Binary)-> Integer
Converts a positive integer the smallest possible representation in the binary data type format and vice versa.
> binary:from_unsigned(11111111).
> binary:to_unsigned(<<169,138,199>>).
first(Binary1)-> Binary2
first(SizeBytes, Binary1)-> Binary2
Returns a subbinary with the first byte or the SizeBytes first bytes in Binary1.
> binary:first(2, <<"abc">>).
last(Binary1)-> Binary2.
last(SizeBytes, Binary1)-> Binary2
Returns a subbinary with the last byte or the SizeBytes last bytes in Binary1.
> binary:last(2, <<"abc">>).
nth(N, Binary) -> Value
N = integer(), 1 =< N =< size(Binary)
Value = integer()
Extracts a byte at position N from Binary. Same as
T = N-1,
<<_:T/binary, Value:Size/binary, _/binary>> = Binary,
although this function is somewhat shorter and easier to write.
extract(N, Size, Binary) -> SubBinary
N = integer(), 1 =< N =< size(Binary)
Size = integer()
SubBinary = subbinary()
Returns a subbinary of size Size starting at position N from Binary. No data is copied in this operation.
It has been discussed if there should be a function for copying a part of a binary rather than getting a subbinary. This would make it possible to get a small part of a binary and let the rest be garbage collected. Since it is possible to achieve the same result by converting the extracted part to a list and then back again to a binary and it is a very specialized operation which may confuse new users it has been excluded at this stage.
When talking to designers many seem to prefer the name extract over the name subbinary for this function.
duplicate(N, Byte)-> Binary
Similar to lists:duplicate/2
. Creates a new binary consisting of
Byte repeated N times.
> binary:duplicate(5, $a).
It is suggested that a new regular expression library based on built in functions is added. It should have the following interface functions (name of the module to be decided, for backwards compatibility reasons it should probably exists in parallel with the old regexp module):
During a first round of feedback it has been suggested that the final implementation should be a built in function based on the Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) library. It is optimised, well supported, and is more or less considered a standard today. It is used in a number of prominent products and projects, e.g. Apples Safari, Apache, KDE, PHP, Postfix and Nmap.
It is suggested that the module has the following exported functions:
compile(Regex) -> MatchSpec
Regex = string()
MatchSpec = tuple()
Builds an internal structure representing one or more search keys. The MatchSpec structure can be used to speed up searching if multiple searches are to be performed with the same search keywords.
match(BinOrString, RegExp)-> Return
match(BinOrString, RegExp, {StartIndex, EndIndex})-> Return
BinOrString = binary() | string()
RegExp = string() | MatchSpec
MatchSpec = tuple() as returned by match_compile/1
StartIndex = EndIndex = integer()
Return = 0 | {Start, Length, [CapturedPatterns]}
Finds the first, longest match of the regular expression RegExp in BinOrString. This function searches for the longest possible match and returns the first one found if there are several expressions of the same length.
The function supports pattern capturing. Patterns captured (if any) are returned in a list in the Return tuple.
> binary:regex_match(<<"abcde">>, "b?cd").
> binary:regex_match(<<"">>, "(\d*)\.(\d*)\.").
{1,6,[<<"127">>, <<"0">>]}
Open questions:
handling of Encodings.
matches(BinOrString, RegExp)-> Replacementeturn matches(BinOrString, RegExp, {StartIndex, EndIndex})-> Return
BinOrString = binary() | string()
RegExp = string() | MatchSpec
MatchSpec = tuple() as returned by match_compile/1
StartIndex = EndIndex = integer()
Return = 0 | [ {Start, Length, [CapturedPatterns]} ]
Finds all matches of the regular expression RegExp in BinOrString.
> binary:regex_matches(<<"aaa">>, "a").
sub(BinOrString, RegExp, Replacement)-> NewStringOrBinary
BinOrString = NewStringOrBinary = binary() | string()
RegExp = string() | MatchSpec
MatchSpec = tuple() as returned by match_compile/1
Replacement = string()
Substitutes the first occurence of a substring or subbinary matching RegExp in BinOrString with Replacement. A & in the Replacement string is replaced by the matched substring or subbinary of BinOrString. \& puts a literal & into the replacement string or binary. The type of NewStringOrBinary will be the same as the type of BinOrString.
gsub(BinOrString, RegExp, Replacement)-> Binary2
Same as sub except that all non-overlapping occurrences of a substring or subbinary matching RegExp in BinOrString are replaced by the string Replacement.
split(BinOrString, RegExp) -> List
split(BinOrString, RegExp, {StartIndex, EndIndex}) -> List
BinOrString = binary() | string()
RegExp = string() | MatchSpec
MatchSpec = tuple() as returned by match_compile/1
StartIndex = EndIndex = integer()
List = [ binary() ]
Splits Binary into a list of binaries based on the pattern specified in RegExp.
The resulting list should basically be the same as for regexp:split/2.
Performance was measured for the functions considered most important using the reference implementation. Some examples:
Searching for a non-existing 1 and 3 byte binary in a ~1 Mb binary. Notice how binary:match/2 gets faster the longer the needle is thanks to the O(n/m) algorithm. All times in microseconds.
Search for: 1 byte 3 bytes
binary:match/2: 17598 6045
binary:regex_first/2: 47299 46701
string:str/2: 68969 69637
regexp:first_match/2: 460858 887485
Splitting a ~1 Mb binary on newline chars. This particular binary contained a newline every 60 chars on average.
binary:split/2: 89142 microseconds
regexp:split/2: 564911 microseconds
Regex-DNA benchmark from computer language shootout
prototype regexp bif: 1.9 seconds
regexp module in R12B: 99.1 seconds
In the examples at the computer language shootout PCRE has a slightly lower performance compared to other algorithms such as the one in the reference implementation or in particular the one featured in TCL. This may not necessarily mean that this is true for all types of patterns.
A reference implementation has been provided to the OTP team.
This document is licensed under the Creative Commons license.