[Ericsson AB]





Library egd is an interface for the gd library.


Library egd is an interface for the gd library. Currently only a subset of gd's functions are implemented. The egd module should be considered experimental and behaviour may change in future releases.


Color reference. Do not assume anything about the refrence data structure. It may change in future releases.
font() = tiny | small | medium | large | giant
Font atoms.
Image reference. Do not assume anything about the refrence data structure. It may change in future releases.
point() = {integer(), integer()}
Point tuple with X and Y coordinates.


arc(Image::image(), Center::point(), Width::integer(), Height::integer(), Start::integer(), End::integer(), Color::color()) -> ok

Draws an arc with centerpoint in Center, width Width and height Height. Start and End are degrees (not radians) of the arc.

color(Image::image(), RGB) -> Color


RGB = white | black | red | blue | green | {byte(), byte(), byte()}
Color = color() | {error, {invalid_color, RGB}}

Returns a color reference.

color(Image::image(), R::byte(), G::byte(), B::byte()) -> color()

Returns a color reference.

create(Width::integer(), Height::integer()) -> image()

Creates an images with specified dimensions. The color palette is in truecolor.

destroy(Image::image()) -> ok | error

Destroys specified image.

fill(Image::image(), Center::point(), Color::color()) -> ok

Fills an enclosed area with Center as starting point.

filledArc(Image::image(), Center::point(), Width::integer(), Height::integer(), Start::integer(), End::integer(), Color::color(), Options) -> ok


Options = [Option]
Option = arc | chord | no_fill | edged

Draws a filled arc with centerpoint in (Cx, Cy), width Width and height Height. Start and End are degrees (not radians) of the arc.

filledEllipse(Image::image(), Center::point(), Width::integer(), Height::integer(), Color::color()) -> ok

Draws a filled ellipse with color Color and center point at (Cx, Cy) using specified dimensions.

filledPolygon(Image::image(), Points::[point()], Color::color()) -> ok

Draws a filled polygon in the image with color Color. The last point and first points forms the polygon closure.

filledRectangle(Image::image(), Start::point(), End::point(), Color::color()) -> ok

Draws a filled rectangle within the specified coordinates.

fontSize(Image::image(), Font::font()) -> {Width, Height}


Widht = integer()
Height = integer()

Returns the width and height of the font in pixel units.

image(Image::image(), Type) -> binary()


Type = gif | png | jpeg | {jpeg, Quality}
Quality = integer()

Returns a binary containing the image data.

line(Image::image(), Start::point(), End::point(), Color::color()) -> ok

Draws a line from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2) in the image with color Color.

pixel(Image::image(), Point::point(), Color::color()) -> ok

Sets a pixel in the image with color Color.

polygon(Image::image(), Points::[points()], Color::color()) -> ok

Draws a polygon in the image with color Color. The last point and first points forms the polygon closure.

rectangle(Image::image(), Start::point(), End::point(), Color::color()) -> ok

Draws a rectangle within the specified coordinates.

resample(Image::image(), Width::integer(), Height::integer()) -> ok

Resizes the image to the new dimensions specified by Width and Height.

rotate(Image::image(), Angle::integer()) -> ok

Rotates the image Angle degrees (not radians).

save(ImageBinary::binary(), Filename::string()) -> {ok, Filename} | {error, Reason}

Saves the binary of the image to a file.

text(Image::image(), Font::font(), Point::point(), String::string(), Color::color()) -> ok

Draws a horizontal text strip using specified font and color.

textUp(Image::image(), Font::font(), Point::point(), String::string(), Color::color()) -> ok

Draws a vertical text strip using specified font and color.


Björn-Egil Dahlberg - support@erlang.ericsson.se

percept 0.6.2
Copyright © 1991-2008 Ericsson AB