Erlang/OTP Permuted Index

Permuted index of Erlang/OTP functions and commands



Return true if the target object and the supplied object easily can be determined to be equal, otherwise false corba_object:is_equivalent/2
  Echo missing modules required by Orber orber_diagnostics:missing_modules/0
Delete an edge from a digraph. digraph:del_edge/2
Return the vertices and the label of an edge of a digraph. digraph:edge/2
Add an edge to a digraph. digraph:add_edge/3
Add an edge to a digraph. digraph:add_edge/4
Add an edge to a digraph. digraph:add_edge/5
Return all edges emanating from a vertex of a digraph. digraph:out_edges/2
Return the edges emanating from or incident on a vertex of a digraph. digraph:edges/2
Delete edges from a digraph. digraph:del_edges/2
Return all edges incident on a vertex of a digraph. digraph:in_edges/2
Return all edges of a digraph. digraph:edges/1
Return the number of edges of the a digraph. digraph:no_edges/1
  EDoc "contact information" parsing. edoc_lib:parse_contact/0
Generate XML from EDoc comments in Erlang source code docb_gen:users_guide/1
Generate XML from EDoc comments in Erlang source code docb_gen:users_guide/2
Generate XML from EDoc comments in Erlang source code. docb_gen:module/1
Generate XML from EDoc comments in Erlang source code. docb_gen:module/2
Reads a source code file and extracts EDoc documentation data. edoc:get_doc/1
Extracts EDoc documentation from commented header file syntax trees. edoc_extract:header/2
Extracts EDoc documentation from commented source code syntax trees. edoc_extract:source/2
  EDoc Erlang expression parsing. edoc_lib:parse_expr/0
Creates an environment data structure used by parts of EDoc for generating references, etc. edoc_lib:get_doc_env/4
Transforms EDoc module documentation data to text. edoc:layout/1
Runs EDoc on a given set of source files. edoc:files/1
Runs EDoc on a given set of source files and/or packages. edoc:run/1
Runs EDoc on a set of packages. edoc:packages/1
Run EDoc on an application in its default app-directory. edoc:application/1
Run EDoc on an application located in the specified directory. edoc:application/1
Calls edoc:application/2 with the corresponding arguments. edoc_run:packages/1
Calls edoc:application/3 with the corresponding arguments. edoc_run:application/1
Calls edoc:file/2 with the corresponding arguments. edoc_run:file/1
Calls edoc:files/2 with the corresponding arguments. edoc_run:files/1
See edoc:layout/2 for a description of the layout option. edoc_lib:run_layout/0
See edoc:run/3 for a description of the doclet option. edoc_lib:run_doclet/0
See edoc:run/3 for a description of the options subpackages, source_suffix and exclude_packages. edoc_lib:find_sources/0
Reads and processes a source file and returns the resulting EDoc-text as a string. edoc:read/1
For controlling the FetchState, to be used in a fetch function, and called when the parser fetch an external resource (eg. xmerl_scan:fetch_state/2
Triggers the next message to be streamed, e.i. same behavior as active once for sockets. http:stream_next/1
Separates two documents by either a single space, or a line break and intentation. prettypr:follow/1
  Elapsed time since 00:00 GMT erlang:now/0
Extract largest element gb_sets:take_largest/1
Extract smallest element gb_sets:take_smallest/1
Make N copies of element lists:duplicate/2
Return a gb_set with one element gb_sets:singleton/1
Return largest element gb_sets:largest/1
Return smallest element gb_sets:smallest/1
Validates a parsed well-formed XML element (Element). xmerl_xsd:validate/3
Exports a normal XML element directly, without further context. xmerl:export_element/0
Exports a simple XML element directly, without further context. xmerl:export_simple_element/0
Validates a parsed well-formed XML element (Element). xmerl_xsd:validate/3
Remove a (possibly non-existing) element from a gb_set gb_sets:del_element/2
Remove a (possibly non-existing) element from a gb_set gb_sets:delete_any/2
Remove an element from a gb_set gb_sets:delete/2
Delete an element from a list lists:delete/2
Delete an element from a list of tuples lists:keydelete/3
Extract an element from a list of tuples lists:keytake/3
Remove an element from an Ordset ordsets:del_element/2
Remove an element from an Set sets:del_element/2
Return last element in a list lists:last/1
Replace an element in a list of tuples lists:keyreplace/4
Search for an element in a list of tuples lists:keysearch/3
Store an element in a list of tuples lists:keystore/4
Subtract the element in one list from another list lists:subtract/2
Apply a function to each element of a list lists:foreach/2
Return maximum element of a list lists:max/1
Return minimum element of a list lists:min/1
Return the Nth element of a list lists:nth/2
Create the function that maps each element of a set onto another set. sofs:constant_function/2
Get Nth element of a tuple erlang:element/2
Set Nth element of a tuple erlang:setelement/3
Return the Pos:th element of all objects with a given key in an ETS table. ets:lookup_element/3
Map the given function onto each element of the array. array:map/2
Map the given function onto each element of the array, skipping default-valued entries. array:sparse_map/2
Returns the head element subtree of a list node. erl_syntax:list_head/1
Returns the prefix element subtrees of a list node. erl_syntax:list_prefix/1
Returns the list of element subtrees of a list skeleton. erl_syntax:list_elements/1
Returns the number of element subtrees of a list skeleton. erl_syntax:list_length/1
Returns the list of element subtrees of a tuple node. erl_syntax:tuple_elements/1
Add a new element to a gb_set gb_sets:insert/2
Add a (possibly existing) element to a gb_set gb_sets:add/2
Add a (possibly existing) element to a gb_set gb_sets:add_element/2
Append an extra element to a tuple erlang:erlang:append_element/2
Add an element to an Ordset ordsets:add_element/2
Add an element to an Set sets:add_element/2
Validates a parsed well-formed XML element towards an XML schema. xmerl_xsd:process_validate/3
Filter gb_set elements gb_sets:filter/2
Filter set elements ordsets:filter/2
Filter set elements sets:filter/2
Fold over gb_set elements gb_sets:fold/3
Fold over set elements ordsets:fold/3
Fold over set elements sets:fold/3
Return a set of substituted elements. sofs:projection/2
Return a sub-list starting at a given position and with a given number of elements lists:sublist/3
Drop elements from a list while a predicate is true lists:dropwhile/2
Take elements from a list while a predicate is true lists:takewhile/2
Return the number of elements in a dictionary dict:size/1
Return the number of elements in a gb_set gb_sets:size/1
Return sum of elements in a list lists:sum/1
Return the number of elements in a set ordsets:size/1
Return the number of elements in a set sets:size/1
Get elements in a table row snmp_generic:table_get_elements/3
Set elements in a table row snmp_generic:table_set_elements/3
Return the number of elements in an ordered dictionary orddict:size/1
Return an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the type of the elements in Objref orber_ifr:get_element_type_def/1
Return the number of elements in the array orber_ifr:get_length/1
Set the number of elements in the array orber_ifr:set_length/2
Return the typecode of the elements in the IFR object orber_ifr:get_element_type/1
Return true if any of the elements in the list satisfiesPred lists:any/2
Return true if all elements in the list satisfyPred lists:all/2
Return the elements of a set. sofs:to_external/1
Return the number of elements of a set. sofs:no_elements/1
Returns the number of elements of a tuple node. erl_syntax:tuple_size/1
Return a list or a tuple of the elements of set. sofs:to_sets/1
Fold the elements of the array right-to-left using the given function and initial accumulator value. array:foldr/2
Fold the elements of the array right-to-left using the given function and initial accumulator value, skipping default-valued entries. array:sparse_foldr/2
Fold the elements of the array using the given function and initial accumulator value. array:foldl/2
Fold the elements of the array using the given function and initial accumulator value, skipping default-valued entries. array:sparse_foldl/2
Choose elements which satisfy a predicate dict:filter/2
Choose elements which satisfy a predicate lists:filter/2
Choose elements which satisfy a predicate orddict:filter/2
Set the element_type_def attribute of the target object to the given TypeDef orber_ifr:set_element_type_def/2
Draws a filled ellipse with color Color and center point at (Cx, Cy) using specified dimensions. egd:filledEllipse/1
Return all edges emanating from a vertex of a digraph. digraph:out_edges/2
Return the edges emanating from or incident on a vertex of a digraph. digraph:edges/2
This is an example script on how to startup the Erlang system in embedded mode on Unix. start:start
  EMPTY ct_telnet:cont_log/0
  EMPTY ct_telnet:end_log/0
  EMPTY docb_transform:Module:seealso/1
  EMPTY driver_entry:void event/3
  EMPTY edoc_layout:overview/0
  EMPTY edoc_layout:package/0
  EMPTY edoc_layout:type/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:copy_file/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:count/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:datestr/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:escape_uri/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:filename/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:find_doc_dirs/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:find_file/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:find_sources/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:get_first_sentence/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:is_name/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:is_relative_uri/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:is_space/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:join_uri/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:lines/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:read_info_file/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:segment/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:simplify_path/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:split_at/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:split_at_space/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:split_at_stop/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:strip_space/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:timestr/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:to_label/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:transpose/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:try_subdir/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:unique/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:uri_get/0
  EMPTY edoc_lib:write_info_file/0
  EMPTY erl_driver:long driver_pdl_dec_refc/1
  EMPTY erl_driver:long driver_pdl_get_refc/1
  EMPTY erl_driver:long driver_pdl_inc_refc/1
  EMPTY erts_alloc_config:stop/0
  EMPTY httpd:Module:store/3
  EMPTY megaco:get_stats/0
  EMPTY megaco:get_stats/1
  EMPTY megaco:get_stats/1
  EMPTY megaco:get_stats/2
  EMPTY megaco:reset_stats/0
  EMPTY megaco:reset_stats/1
  EMPTY megaco_codec_meas:t/0
  EMPTY megaco_codec_meas:t/1
  EMPTY megaco_codec_transform:t/2
  EMPTY megaco_codec_transform:t/2
  EMPTY megaco_codec_transform:tb/0
  EMPTY megaco_codec_transform:tm/3
  EMPTY megaco_codec_transform:tmf/3
  EMPTY megaco_codec_transform:tt/0
  EMPTY megaco_flex_scanner:start/0
  EMPTY megaco_tcp:block/1
  EMPTY megaco_tcp:close/1
  EMPTY megaco_tcp:connect/2
  EMPTY megaco_tcp:get_stats/0
  EMPTY megaco_tcp:get_stats/1
  EMPTY megaco_tcp:get_stats/2
  EMPTY megaco_tcp:listen/2
  EMPTY megaco_tcp:reset_stats/0
  EMPTY megaco_tcp:reset_stats/1
  EMPTY megaco_tcp:send_message/2
  EMPTY megaco_tcp:socket/1
  EMPTY megaco_tcp:start_transport/0
  EMPTY megaco_tcp:unblock/1
  EMPTY megaco_tcp:upgrade_receive_handle/1
  EMPTY megaco_udp:block/1
  EMPTY megaco_udp:close/2
  EMPTY megaco_udp:create_send_handle/3
  EMPTY megaco_udp:get_stats/0
  EMPTY megaco_udp:get_stats/1
  EMPTY megaco_udp:get_stats/2
  EMPTY megaco_udp:open/2
  EMPTY megaco_udp:reset_stats/0
  EMPTY megaco_udp:reset_stats/1
  EMPTY megaco_udp:send_message/2
  EMPTY megaco_udp:socket/1
  EMPTY megaco_udp:start_transport/0
  EMPTY megaco_udp:unblock/1
  EMPTY megaco_udp:upgrade_receive_handle/2
  EMPTY proplists:append_values/2
  EMPTY proplists:compact/1
  EMPTY proplists:delete/2
  EMPTY proplists:expand/2
  EMPTY proplists:get_all_values/2
  EMPTY proplists:get_bool/2
  EMPTY proplists:get_keys/1
  EMPTY proplists:get_value/2
  EMPTY proplists:get_value/3
  EMPTY proplists:is_defined/2
  EMPTY proplists:lookup/2
  EMPTY proplists:lookup_all/2
  EMPTY proplists:normalize/2
  EMPTY proplists:property/1
  EMPTY proplists:property/2
  EMPTY proplists:split/2
  EMPTY proplists:substitute_aliases/2
  EMPTY proplists:substitute_negations/2
  EMPTY proplists:unfold/1
  EMPTY test_server:format/1
  EMPTY test_server:format/2
  EMPTY test_server:format/2
  EMPTY test_server:format/3
  EMPTY test_server:hours/1
  EMPTY test_server:minutes/1
  EMPTY test_server:seconds/1
  EMPTY test_server:timetrap/1
  EMPTY xmerl_xsd:format_error/0
Test if a queue is empty queue:is_empty/1
Create a new empty digraph. digraph:new/1
Return a protected empty digraph, where cycles are allowed. digraph:new/0
Delete an empty directory ssh_sftp:del_dir/2
Yields the empty document, which has neither height nor width. prettypr:empty/0
Create a new empty FIFO queue queue:new/0
Return an empty gb_set gb_sets:empty/0
Return an empty gb_set gb_sets:new/0
Test for empty gb_set gb_sets:is_empty/1
Create an empty group pg:create/1
Create an empty group on another node pg:create/2
Creates an abstract empty list. erl_syntax:nil/0
Create a new, empty process group pg2:create/1
Return an empty set ordsets:new/0
Return an empty set sets:new/0
Return the untyped empty set. sofs:empty_set/0
Test for an empty set. sofs:is_empty_set/1
  Empty the message queue. test_server:messages_get/0
Return an empty tree gb_trees:empty/0
Test for empty tree gb_trees:is_empty/1
Provide an event for having the emulator call the driver erl_driver:int driver_select/4
Tests whether the emulator is commercially supported test_server:is_commercial/0
Return the process identifier of the emulator process os:getpid/0
Returns the memory block header size used by the emulator that generated the memory allocation map instrument:block_header_size/1
Start the Erlang emulator with the correct release data start_erl:start_erl
Start the Erlang emulator without attached terminal run_erl:run_erl
Activate meta tracing and at the same time append a {tracer,Tracer} process trace flag to the enable list in a match specification traceaction term inviso:tpm_tracer/4
Activate meta tracing and at the same time append a {tracer,Tracer} process trace flag to the enable list in a match specification traceaction term inviso:tpm_tracer/5
Activate meta tracing and at the same time append a {tracer,Tracer} process trace flag to the enable list in a match specification traceaction term inviso:tpm_tracer/5
Activate meta tracing and at the same time append a {tracer,Tracer} process trace flag to the enable list in a match specification traceaction term inviso:tpm_tracer/6
Activate meta tracing and at the same time append a {tracer,Tracer} process trace flag to the enable list in a match specification traceaction term inviso:tpm_tracer/8
Activate meta tracing and at the same time append a {tracer,Tracer} process trace flag to the enable list in a match specification traceaction term inviso:tpm_tracer/9
Add match specifications and at the same time append a {tracer,Tracer} process trace flag to the enable list in a match specification traceaction term inviso:tpm_ms_tracer/5
Add match specifications and at the same time append a {tracer,Tracer} process trace flag to the enable list in a match specification traceaction term inviso:tpm_ms_tracer/6
  Enable or disable error printouts to a file error_logger:logfile/1
  Enable or disable printouts to the tty error_logger:tty/1
  Enable or disable the collections of statistics sys:statistics/2
  Enable or disable the collections of statistics sys:statistics/3
  Enable the service (Solaris only) os_sup:enable/0
  Enable the service (Solaris only) os_sup:enable/2
As tpm_ms_tracer/5 but also adds a {tracer,Tracer}trace flag to the enable-list of every tracein MS. inviso_rt_meta:tpm_ms_tracer/5
Return a list of name-value pairs which encapsulates the current QoS settings for the target object CosNotification_QoSAdmin:get_qos/1
Fills an enclosed area with Center as starting point. egd:fill/1
  Encode a megaco message. megaco_encoder:Module:encode_message/3
  Encode a term to an Erlang external term format binary erlang:term_to_binary/1
  Encode a term to en Erlang external term format binary erlang:term_to_binary/2
  Encode action requests for one or more transaction request(s) megaco:encode_actions/3
  Encode an ASN.1 value. asn1ct:encode/3
  Encode an ASN.1 value. asn1rt:encode/3
  Encode an encrypted SNMP scopedPDU snmp_pdus:enc_encrypted_scoped_pdu/1
  Encode an SDP construct megaco:encode_sdp/1
  Encode an SNMP Message snmp_pdus:enc_message/1
  Encode an SNMP Message, but not the data part snmp_pdus:enc_message_only/1
  Encode an SNMP Pdu snmp_pdus:enc_pdu/1
  Encode an SNMP scopedPDU snmp_pdus:enc_scoped_pdu/1
Perform a test of encode and decode for types in an ASN.1 module. asn1ct:test/1
Perform a test of encode and decode for types in an ASN.1 module. asn1ct:test/2
Perform a test of encode and decode for types in an ASN.1 module. asn1ct:test/3
  Encode (compress) a megaco component. megaco_edist_compress:Module:encode/2
  Encode SNMP UsmSecurityParameters snmp_pdus:enc_usm_security_parameters/1
Invoke after the target object replied with the reply encoded interceptors:out_reply_encoded/6
Transforms an utf8 encoded binary to a unicode list. asn1rt:utf8_binary_to_list/1
Decodes a base64 encoded string to data. base64:decode/1
Decodes a base64 encoded string to data. base64:decode_to_string/1
Decodes a base64 encoded string to data. base64:mime_decode/1
Decodes a base64 encoded string to data. base64:mime_decode_string/1
Compile an ASN.1 module and generate encode/decode functions according to the encoding rules BER or PER. asn1ct:compile/1
Compile an ASN.1 module and generate encode/decode functions according to the encoding rules BER or PER. asn1ct:compile/2
  Encodes data into base64. base64:encode/1
  Encodes data into base64. base64:encode_to_string/1
Invoke on the client side ORB before encoding and sending the request interceptors:out_request/6
Compile an ASN.1 module and generate encode/decode functions according to the encoding rules BER or PER. asn1ct:compile/1
Compile an ASN.1 module and generate encode/decode functions according to the encoding rules BER or PER. asn1ct:compile/2
Called when an undefined function is encountered error_handler:undefined_function/3
Called when an undefined lambda (fun) is encountered error_handler:undefined_lambda/3
For controlling the ContinuationState, to be used in a continuation function, and called when the parser encounters the end of the byte stream. xmerl_scan:cont_state/2
  Encrypt data using RC4 crypto:rc4_encrypt/2
  Encrypt Textaccording to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cbc_128_encrypt/3
  Encrypt Textaccording to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cfb_128_encrypt/3
  Encrypt Textaccording to DES in CBC mode crypto:des_cbc_encrypt/3
  Encrypt Textaccording to DES3 in CBC mode crypto:des3_cbc_encrypt/5
Encode an encrypted SNMP scopedPDU snmp_pdus:enc_encrypted_scoped_pdu/1
Creates an abstract end-of-file marker. erl_syntax:eof_marker/0
Set the engine id for a targetAddr row. snmp_target_mib:set_target_engine_id/2
Return an English description of a an error tuple. qlc:format_error/1
Return an English description of a an error tuple. yecc:format_error/1
Return an English description of a BEAM read error reply beam_lib:format_error/1
Return an English description of a disk log error reply. disk_log:format_error/1
Return an English description of an Xref error reply. xref:format_error/1
  Enqueue binary in the driver queue erl_driver:int driver_enq_bin/4
  Enqueue data in the driver queue erl_driver:int driver_enq/3
  Enqueue vector in the driver queue erl_driver:int driver_enqv/3
  Ensure that a module is loaded code:ensure_loaded/1
  Ensure that a pool master is running pool:attach/1
  Ensure that all parent directories for a file or directory exist. filelib:ensure_dir/1
  Ensure that all updates made to a Dets table are written to disk. dets:sync/1
  Enter the gen_fsm receive loop gen_fsm:enter_loop/4
  Enter the gen_fsm receive loop gen_fsm:enter_loop/5
  Enter the gen_fsm receive loop gen_fsm:enter_loop/5
  Enter the gen_fsm receive loop gen_fsm:enter_loop/6
  Enter the gen_server receive loop gen_server:enter_loop/3
  Enter the gen_server receive loop gen_server:enter_loop/4
  Enter the gen_server receive loop gen_server:enter_loop/4
  Enter the gen_server receive loop gen_server:enter_loop/5
Delete an entire ETS table. ets:delete/1
Set a read lock on an entire table. mnesia:read_lock_table/1
Set write lock on an entire table. mnesia:write_lock_table/1
For controlling the EventState, to be used in an event function, and called at the beginning and at the end of a parsed entity. xmerl_scan:event_state/2
For controlling the HookState, to be used in a hook function, and called when the parser has parsed a complete entity. xmerl_scan:hook_state/2
Register the manager entity (=user) responsible for specific agent(s). ct_snmp:register_users/2
Convert the array to an ordered list of pairs {Index, Value}, skipping default-valued entries. array:sparse_to_orddict/1
Converts the array to a list, skipping default-valued entries. array:sparse_to_list/1
Fold the elements of the array right-to-left using the given function and initial accumulator value, skipping default-valued entries. array:sparse_foldr/2
Fold the elements of the array using the given function and initial accumulator value, skipping default-valued entries. array:sparse_foldl/2
Get the value used for uninitialized entries. array:default/1
Map the given function onto each element of the array, skipping default-valued entries. array:sparse_map/2
Match some dictionary entries et_collector:dict_match/2
Executes selected entries from a config file. ttb:run_config/2
Executes all entries in a config file. ttb:run_config/1
Lists all entries in a config file. ttb:list_config/1
Deletes all entries in a table. mnesia:clear_table/1
Get the number of entries in the array. array:size/1
Get the number of entries in the array up until the last non-default valued entry. array:sparse_size/1
Add a driver entry erl_driver:void add_driver_entry/1
Create an agent entry snmpa_conf:agent_entry/2
Create an agents entry snmpm_conf:agents_entry/12
Create an community entry snmpa_conf:community_entry/1
Create an community entry snmpa_conf:community_entry/5
Create an context entry snmpa_conf:context_entry/1
Create an manager entry snmpm_conf:manager_entry/2
Create an notify entry snmpa_conf:notify_entry/3
Create an standard entry snmpa_conf:standard_entry/2
Create an target_addr entry snmpa_conf:target_addr_entry/10
Create an target_addr entry snmpa_conf:target_addr_entry/5
Create an target_addr entry snmpa_conf:target_addr_entry/6
Create an target_addr entry snmpa_conf:target_addr_entry/8
Create an target_params entry snmpa_conf:target_params_entry/2
Create an target_params entry snmpa_conf:target_params_entry/4
Create an target_params entry snmpa_conf:target_params_entry/5
Create an users entry snmpm_conf:users_entry/1
Create an users entry snmpm_conf:users_entry/2
Create an users entry snmpm_conf:users_entry/3
Create an usm entry snmpa_conf:usm_entry/1
Create an usm entry snmpa_conf:usm_entry/13
Create an usm entry snmpm_conf:usm_entry/6
Create an usm entry snmpm_conf:usm_entry/7
Create an vacm entry snmpa_conf:vacm_acc_entry/8
Create an vacm entry snmpa_conf:vacm_s2g_entry/3
Create an vacm entry snmpa_conf:vacm_vtf_entry/2
Create an vacm entry snmpa_conf:vacm_vtf_entry/4
Get the number of entries in the array up until the last non-default valued entry. array:sparse_size/1
Remove a driver entry erl_driver:int remove_driver_entry/1
Lookup a dictionary entry and return zero or one value et_collector:dict_lookup/2
Delete a dictionary entry and send a {et, {dict_delete, Key}} tuple to all registered subscribers. et_collector:dict_delete/2
Insert a dictionary entry and send a {et, {dict_insert, Key, Val}} tuple to all registered subscribers. et_collector:dict_insert/3
Insert a dictionary entry and send a {et, {dict_insert, Key, Val}} tuple to all registered subscribers. et_collector:dict_insert/4
Insert a dictionary entry and send a {et, {dict_insert, Key, Val}} tuple to all registered subscribers. et_collector:dict_insert/4
Set flags on how to handle control entry function erl_driver:void set_port_control_flags/2
Get the value of entry I. array:get/1
Set entry I of the array to Value. array:set/1
Reset entry I to the default value for the array. array:reset/1
Executes one entry of the history ttb:run_history/1
Create a new process with a fun as entry point erlang:spawn/1
Create a new process with a fun as entry point erlang:spawn_opt/2
Create a new process with a function as entry point erlang:spawn/3
Create a new process with a function as entry point erlang:spawn_opt/4
Create and link to a new process with a fun as entry point erlang:spawn_link/1
Create and link to a new process with a function as entry point erlang:spawn_link/3
Create and monitor a new process with a fun as entry point erlang:spawn_monitor/1
Create and monitor a new process with a function as entry point erlang:spawn_monitor/3
Main doclet entry point. edoc_doclet:run/1
Create a new process with a fun as entry point on a given node erlang:spawn/2
Create a new process with a fun as entry point on a given node erlang:spawn_opt/3
Create a new process with a function as entry point on a given node erlang:spawn/4
Create a new process with a function as entry point on a given node erlang:spawn_opt/5
Create and link to a new process with a function as entry point on a given node erlang:spawn_link/4
Create and link to a new process with a fun as entry point on a specified node erlang:spawn_link/2
Starts profiling at the entrypoint specified by the MFA. percept_profile:start/1
Return the enum IDL typecode orber_tc:enum/3
Convert an integer to an enum value snmpa:int_to_enum/2
Convert an integer to an enum value snmpa:int_to_enum/3
Convert an enum value to an integer snmpa:enum_to_int/2
Convert an enum value to an integer snmpa:enum_to_int/3
Create a EnumDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_enum/5
Check if string is a valid enumeration. httpd_conf:check_enum/2
Halt the Erlang runtime system and indicate normal exit to the calling environment erlang:halt/0
Creates an environment data structure used by parts of EDoc for generating references, etc. edoc_lib:get_doc_env/4
Like get_doc/2, but for a given environment parameter. edoc:get_doc/1
Get the value of an environment variable erl_driver:int erl_drv_getenv/3
Get the value of an environment variable os:getenv/1
Set a new value for an environment variable os:putenv/2
Set the value of an environment variable erl_driver:int erl_drv_putenv/2
Expand a string with environment variables win32reg:expand/1
List all environment variables os:getenv/0
Kill the epmdprocess epmd:epmd
Start Eprof. eprof:start/0
Stop Eprof. eprof:stop/0
Activate logging of eprofprintouts. eprof:log/1
Test if two names are equal lname:equal/2
Return true if the target object and the supplied object easily can be determined to be equal, otherwise false corba_object:is_equivalent/2
Compare thread identifiers for equality erl_driver:int erl_drv_equal_tids/2
Test string equality string:equal/2
Test two sets for equality. sofs:is_equal/2
Return a UTO in which the interval equals the time interval in the target object and time value is the midpoint of the interval CosTime_TIO:time/1
Convert a hex value into its decimal equivalent. httpd_util:decode_hex/1
Upgrades a gen_tcp, or equivalent, connected socket to a ssl socket. new_ssl:connect/2
Upgrades a gen_tcp, or equivalent, connected socket to a ssl socket. new_ssl:connect/3
  Equivalent to add_case/2, but with specified name. test_server_ctrl:add_case/3
  Equivalent to add_cases/2, but with specified name. test_server_ctrl:add_cases/3
  Equivalent to application(Application, []). edoc:application/1
  Equivalent to attribute(Name, none). erl_syntax:attribute/1
  Equivalent to best(Tree, []). erl_prettypr:best/1
  Equivalent to binary_field(Body, []). erl_syntax:binary_field/1
  Equivalent to clause([], Guard, Body). erl_syntax:clause/2
  Equivalent to cmd(Connection, Cmd, DefaultTimeout). ct_telnet:cmd/2
  Equivalent to cmdf(Connection, CmdFormat, Args, DefaultTimeout). ct_telnet:cmdf/3
  Equivalent to comment(none, Strings). erl_syntax:comment/1
  Equivalent to cont_state(ContinuationState, S). xmerl_scan:cont_state/1
  Equivalent to dir(""). erl_tidy:dir/0
  Equivalent to dir(Dir, []). erl_tidy:dir/1
  Equivalent to event_state(EventState, S). xmerl_scan:event_state/1
  Equivalent to expect(Connections, Patterns, []). ct_telnet:expect/2
  Equivalent to export(Data, Callback, []). xmerl:export/2
  Equivalent to export_simple(Data, Callback, []). xmerl:export_simple/2
  Equivalent to fetch_state(FetchState, S). xmerl_scan:fetch_state/1
  Equivalent to file(Filename, []). xmerl_scan:file/1
  Equivalent to file(Name, []). edoc:file/1
  Equivalent to file(Name, []). erl_tidy:file/1
  Equivalent to floating(D, 0, 0). prettypr:floating/1
  Equivalent to flush_trace_port(node()). dbg:flush_trace_port/0
  Equivalent to follow(D1, D2, 0). prettypr:follow/1
  Equivalent to format(D, 80). prettypr:format/1
  Equivalent to format(D, PaperWidth, 65). prettypr:format/1
  Equivalent to format(Tree, []). erl_prettypr:format/1
  Equivalent to from_list(List, undefined). array:from_list/1
  Equivalent to from_orddict(Orddict, undefined). array:from_orddict/1
  Equivalent to get_config(Required, undefined). ct:get_config/1
  Equivalent to get_doc_env([], [], [], Opts). edoc_lib:get_doc_env/1
  Equivalent to get_doc(File, []). edoc:get_doc/1
  Equivalent to get_tracer(node()). dbg:get_tracer/0
  Equivalent to hook_state(HookState, S). xmerl_scan:hook_state/1
  Equivalent to layout(Doc, []). edoc:layout/1
  Equivalent to layout(Tree, []). erl_prettypr:layout/1
  Equivalent to limit(Tree, Depth, Text) using the text "..." as default replacement. erl_syntax_lib:limit/2
  Equivalent to list(List, none). erl_syntax:list/1
  Equivalent to log(Category, Format, Args). ct:log/2
  Equivalent to log(default, Format, []). ct:log/1
  Equivalent to macro(Name, none). erl_syntax:macro/1
  Equivalent to merge_files(Name, [], Files, Options). igor:merge_files/1
  Equivalent to merge(Name, Files, []). igor:merge/1
  Equivalent to module(Forms, []). erl_tidy:module/1
  Equivalent to open(Name, ConnType, TargetMod, []). ct_telnet:open/3
  Equivalent to open(Name, telnet). ct_telnet:open/1
  Equivalent to packages(Packages, []). edoc:files/1
  Equivalent to packages(Packages, []). edoc:packages/1
  Equivalent to pal(Category, Format, Args). ct:pal/0
  Equivalent to pal(default, Format, []). ct:pal/1
  Equivalent to par(Ds, 0). prettypr:par/1
  Equivalent to parse_file(File, []). epp_dodger:parse_file/1
  Equivalent to parse_form(IODevice, StartLine, []). epp_dodger:parse_form/2
  Equivalent to parse(IODevice, 1). epp_dodger:parse/1
  Equivalent to parse(IODevice, StartLine, []). epp_dodger:parse/2
  Equivalent to percept_profile:start(Filename, MFA, Options). percept:profile/1
  Equivalent to percept_profile:start(Filename, Options). percept:profile/1
  Equivalent to percept_profile:start(Filename, [procs]). percept:profile/1
  Equivalent to percept_profile:stop(). percept:stop_profile/0
  Equivalent to print(Category, Format, Args). ct:print/0
  Equivalent to print(default, Format, []). ct:print/1
  Equivalent to process_schema(Schema, []). xmerl_xsd:process_schema/1
  Equivalent to process_schema(Schemas, []). xmerl_xsd:process_schemas/1
  Equivalent to process_validate(Schema, Xml, []). xmerl_xsd:process_validate/2
  Equivalent to quick_parse_file(File, []). epp_dodger:quick_parse_file/1
  Equivalent to quick_parse_form(IODevice, StartLine, []). epp_dodger:quick_parse_form/2
  Equivalent to quick_parse(IODevice, 1). epp_dodger:quick_parse/1
  Equivalent to quick_parse(IODevice, StartLine, []). epp_dodger:quick_parse/2
  Equivalent to read_comments(File, []). edoc:read_comments/1
  Equivalent to read(File, []). edoc:read/1
  Equivalent to read_source(File, []). edoc:read_source/1
  Equivalent to receive_expr(Clauses, none, []). erl_syntax:receive_expr/1
  Equivalent to record_access(Argument, none, Field). erl_syntax:record_access/2
  Equivalent to record_expr(none, Type, Fields). erl_syntax:record_expr/2
  Equivalent to record_field(Name, none). erl_syntax:record_field/1
  Equivalent to rename(Files, Renamings, []). igor:rename/1
  Equivalent to rules_state(RulesState, S). xmerl_scan:rules_state/1
  Equivalent to run_on_node(TestSpecs, false, Node). ct_master:run_on_node/2
  Equivalent to run(TestSpecs, false, [], []). ct_master:run/1
  Equivalent to run(TestSpecs, false, InclNodes, ExclNodes). ct_master:run/3
  Equivalent to seq_trigger_ms(all) ttb:seq_trigger_ms/0
  Equivalent to start(Filename, [procs]). percept_profile:start/1
  Equivalent to stop([]) ttb:stop/0
  Equivalent to string(Str, Doc, []). xmerl_xpath:string/2
  Equivalent to string(Str, Doc, [], Doc, Options). xmerl_xpath:string/3
  Equivalent to string(Test, []). xmerl_scan:string/1
  Equivalent to text_par(Text, 0). prettypr:text_par/1
  Equivalent to to_comment(Tree, "% "). erl_syntax_lib:to_comment/1
  Equivalent to to_comment(Tree, Prefix, F) for a default formatting function F. erl_syntax_lib:to_comment/1
  Equivalent to trace_port_control(node(),Operation). dbg:trace_port_control/1
This is equivalent to tracer(node()). ttb:tracer/0
This is equivalent to tracer(Nodes,[]). ttb:tracer/1
  Equivalent to tree(Type, []). erl_syntax:tree/1
  Equivalent to try_expr(Body, [], [], After). erl_syntax:try_after_expr/1
  Equivalent to try_expr(Body, [], Handlers). erl_syntax:try_expr/1
  Equivalent to try_expr(Body, Clauses, Handlers, []). erl_syntax:try_expr/1
  Equivalent to user_state(UserState, S). xmerl_scan:user_state/1
  Equivalent to validate(Element, State, []). xmerl_xsd:validate/2
  Equivalent to write_config(ConfigFile,Config,[]). ttb:write_config/2
Shorthand equivalents of create. gs:ObjType/1
Shorthand equivalents of create. gs:ObjType/2
Shorthand equivalents of create. gs:ObjType/3
  Erase a key from a dictionary dict:erase/2
  Erase a key from a dictionary orddict:erase/2
Run a script written in Erlang escript:escript
Run a script written in Erlang escript:script-name
Start/Call Erlang erl_call:erl_call
Transforms Erlang abstract format containing calls to ets/dbg:fun2ms into literal match specifications. ms_transform:parse_transform/2
Test for an Erlang BIF erl_internal:bif/2
Test for an Erlang BIF allowed in guards erl_internal:guard_bif/2
Convert between binary multi-precision integer and erlang big integer crypto:erlint/1
Convert between binary multi-precision integer and erlang big integer crypto:mpint/1
Allows Igor to work as a component of the Erlang compiler. igor:parse_transform/1
Convert The the date to the Erlang date format. httpd_util:convert_request_date/1
Create a TAGSfile covering all files in the Erlang distribution. tags:root/1
Start the Erlang emulator with the correct release data start_erl:start_erl
Start the Erlang emulator without attached terminal run_erl:run_erl
Get erlang error atom name from error number erl_driver:char* erl_errno_id/1
EDoc Erlang expression parsing. edoc_lib:parse_expr/0
Parse Erlang expressions erl_parse:parse_exprs/1
Read and tokenize Erlang expressions io:scan_erl_exprs/1
Read and tokenize Erlang expressions io:scan_erl_exprs/3
Read, tokenize and parse Erlang expressions io:parse_erl_exprs/1
Read, tokenize and parse Erlang expressions io:parse_erl_exprs/3
Evaluate Erlang expressions in a file file:eval/1
Evaluate Erlang expressions in a file file:eval/2
Evaluate Erlang expressions in a file file:path_eval/2
Evaluate and return the value of Erlang expressions in a file file:path_script/2
Evaluate and return the value of Erlang expressions in a file file:path_script/3
Evaluate and return the value of Erlang expressions in a file file:script/1
Evaluate and return the value of Erlang expressions in a file file:script/2
Decode an Erlang external term format binary erlang:binary_to_term/1
Encode a term to an Erlang external term format binary erlang:term_to_binary/1
Encode a term to en Erlang external term format binary erlang:term_to_binary/2
Parse an Erlang form erl_parse:parse_form/1
Read and tokenize an Erlang form io:scan_erl_form/1
Read and tokenize an Erlang form io:scan_erl_form/3
Read, tokenize and parse an Erlang form io:parse_erl_form/1
Read, tokenize and parse an Erlang form io:parse_erl_form/3
Return the next Erlang form from the opened Erlang source file epp:parse_erl_form/1
Transform Erlang forms erl_id_trans:parse_transform/2
  Erlang I/O vector erl_driver:ErlIOVec
Start the Erlang low level loader erl_prim_loader:start/3
Restart the running Erlang node init:restart/0
Take down an Erlang node smoothly init:reboot/0
Take down an Erlang node smoothly< init:stop/0
Names of Erlang nodes at a host net_adm:names/0
Names of Erlang nodes at a host net_adm:names/1
Request the names of the registrered Erlang nodes on this host epmd:epmd
Get information about the Erlang runtime system erl_driver:void driver_system_info/2
Halt the Erlang runtime system erlang:halt/1
Information about the Erlang runtime system erl_driver:ErlDrvSysInfo
Start an Erlang runtime system erl:erl
Start the Erlang runtime system init:boot/1
Turn a node into a non-distributed Erlang runtime system net_kernel:stop/0
Halt the Erlang runtime system and indicate normal exit to the calling environment erlang:halt/0
Turn an Erlang runtime system into a distributed node net_kernel:start/1
Turn an Erlang runtime system into a distributed node net_kernel:start/2
Turn an Erlang runtime system into a distributed node net_kernel:start/3
Add or modify an Erlang service erlsrv:erlsrv
List all Erlang services or all options for one service. erlsrv:erlsrv
Extracts comments from a string containing Erlang source code. erl_comment_scan:string/0
Generate XML from EDoc comments in Erlang source code docb_gen:users_guide/1
Generate XML from EDoc comments in Erlang source code docb_gen:users_guide/2
Generate XML from EDoc comments in Erlang source code. docb_gen:module/1
Generate XML from EDoc comments in Erlang source code. docb_gen:module/2
Extracts comments from an Erlang source code file. edoc:read_comments/1
Extracts comments from an Erlang source code file. erl_comment_scan:file/1
Tidies an Erlang source code file. erl_tidy:file/1
Reverts a sequence of Erlang source code forms. erl_syntax:revert_forms/1
Preprocesse and parse an Erlang source file epp:parse_file/3
Return the next Erlang form from the opened Erlang source file epp:parse_erl_form/1
Reads an Erlang source file and returns the list of "source code form" syntax trees. edoc:read_source/1
Tidies Erlang source files in a directory and its subdirectories. erl_tidy:dir/1
Return name of Erlang start script lib:progname/0
Prettyprint-formats an abstract Erlang syntax tree as text. erl_prettypr:format/1
This is an example script on how to startup the Erlang system in embedded mode on Unix. start:start
Convert abstract form to an Erlang term erl_parse:normalise/1
Parse an Erlang term erl_parse:parse_term/1
Returns the syntax tree corresponding to an Erlang term. erl_syntax:abstract/1
Convert an Erlang term into an abstract form erl_parse:abstract/1
Checks if an Erlang term is the result of ets:match_spec_compile ets:is_compiled_ms/1
Make a erlang term port from a port erl_driver:ErlDrvTermData driver_mk_port/1
Returns the Erlang term represented by a syntax tree. erl_syntax:concrete/1
Add an Erlang term to a private key field corba:create_subobject_key/2
Put the Erlang term TraceInfointo the sequential trace output seq_trace:print/1
Put the Erlang term TraceInfointo the sequential trace output seq_trace:print/2
Read Erlang terms from a file file:consult/1
Read Erlang terms from a file file:path_consult/2
Generate an Erlang throw corba:raise/1
Scan a string and returns the Erlang tokens erl_scan:string/1
Scan a string and returns the Erlang tokens erl_scan:string/2
Load raw Erlang trace from a file, port or process. et_collector:start_trace_client/3
Calls erlang:apply(Func, Args)surrounded bytrace([start | OptionList])andtrace(stop). fprof:apply/3
Library directory of Erlang/OTP code:lib_dir/0
Root directory of Erlang/OTP code:root_dir/0
Compile a file (ignoring ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS) compile:noenv_file/2
Compile a list of forms (ignoring ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS) compile:noenv_forms/2
Determine whether the compile will generate an output file (ignoring ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS) compile:noenv_output_generated/1
Returns an erl_parse-compatible representation of a syntax tree, if possible. erl_syntax:revert/1
Fail with error erl_driver:int driver_failure/2
Fail with error erl_driver:int driver_failure_atom/2
Fail with error erl_driver:int driver_failure_posix/2
Handle error snmpm_user:handle_error/3
Invoked when a received message just contains an error megaco_user:handle_message_error/3
Invoked when a received message just contains an error megaco_user:handle_message_error/4
Return a string describing a particular Mnesia error. mnesia:error_description/1
Write information about a local process on standard error erlang:erlang:process_display/2
Get erlang error atom name from error number erl_driver:char* erl_errno_id/1
Format an error descriptor compile:format_error/1
Format an error descriptor erl_ddll:format_error/1
Format an error descriptor erl_lint:format_error/1
Format an error descriptor erl_parse:format_error/1
Format an error descriptor erl_scan:format_error/1
Format an error descriptor regexp:format_error/1
Return error diagnostics. ftp:formaterror/1
Send an standard error event to the error logger error_logger:error_msg/1
Send an standard error event to the error logger error_logger:error_msg/2
Send an standard error event to the error logger error_logger:format/2
  Error formatting function as required by the parse_transform interface. ms_transform:format_error/1
  Error function. math:erf/1
Another error function math:erfc/1
Create a TIO object representing the error interval around the time value represented by the target object CosTime_UTO:interval/1
Add an event handler to the error logger error_logger:add_report_handler/1
Add an event handler to the error logger error_logger:add_report_handler/2
Delete an event handler from the error logger error_logger:delete_report_handler/1
Send a standard error report event to the error logger error_logger:error_report/1
Send a standard information event to the error logger error_logger:info_msg/1
Send a standard information event to the error logger error_logger:info_msg/2
Send a standard information report event to the error logger error_logger:info_report/1
Send a standard warning event to the error logger error_logger:warning_msg/1
Send a standard warning event to the error logger error_logger:warning_msg/2
Send a standard warning report event to the error logger error_logger:warning_report/1
Send a user defined error report event to the error logger error_logger:error_report/2
Send a user defined information report event to the error logger error_logger:info_report/2
Send a user defined warning report event to the error logger error_logger:warning_report/2
Send an standard error event to the error logger error_logger:error_msg/1
Send an standard error event to the error logger error_logger:error_msg/2
Send an standard error event to the error logger error_logger:format/2
Creates an abstract error marker. erl_syntax:error_marker/1
Print error message lib:error_message/2
Get erlang error atom name from error number erl_driver:char* erl_errno_id/1
Translate an SCTP error number into a string gen_sctp:error_string/1
Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error:config_err/2
Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error_io:config_err/2
Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error_logger:config_err/2
Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error_report:config_err/2
Called if a user related error occurs snmpa_error:user_err/2
Called if a user related error occurs snmpa_error_io:user_err/2
Called if a user related error occurs snmpa_error_logger:user_err/2
Called if a user related error occurs snmpa_error_report:user_err/2
Enable or disable error printouts to a file error_logger:logfile/1
Return a descriptive string for an error reason file:format_error/1
Return a descriptive string for an error reason inet:format_error/1
Terminate a test case with the given error Reason. ct:fail/1
Return an English description of a BEAM read error reply beam_lib:format_error/1
Return an English description of a disk log error reply. disk_log:format_error/1
Return an English description of an Xref error reply. xref:format_error/1
Send a standard error report event to the error logger error_logger:error_report/1
Send a user defined error report event to the error logger error_logger:error_report/2
Return an error string. ssl:format_error/1
Convert error term to a readable string erl_tar:format_error/1
Return an English description of a an error tuple. qlc:format_error/1
Return an English description of a an error tuple. yecc:format_error/1
Convert an POSIX errorcode to a string win32reg:format_error/1
Returns the ErrorInfo structure of a warning_marker node. erl_syntax:warning_marker_info/1
Returns the ErrorInfo structure of an error_marker node. erl_syntax:error_marker_info/1
Returns the ErrorInfo structure of an error_marker node. erl_syntax:error_marker_info/1
Check a module for errors erl_lint:module/1
Check a module for errors erl_lint:module/2
Check a module for errors erl_lint:module/3
Checks an applications .app file for obvious errors test_server:app_test/1
Checks an applications .app file for obvious errors test_server:app_test/2
Invoked when a received message had syntax errors megaco_user:handle_syntax_error/3
Invoked when a received message had syntax errors megaco_user:handle_syntax_error/4
Creates an erts_alloc configuration erts_alloc_config:make_config/0
Creates an erts_alloc configuration erts_alloc_config:make_config/1
  Establish a "virtual" connection megaco:connect/4
  Establish a connection to a node net_kernel:connect_node/1
  Establish a new association for the socket Socket, with a peer (SCTP server socket) gen_sctp:connect/5
Invoked when a new connection is established megaco_user:handle_connect/2
Delete a dictionary entry and send a {et, {dict_delete, Key}} tuple to all registered subscribers. et_collector:dict_delete/2
Insert a dictionary entry and send a {et, {dict_insert, Key, Val}} tuple to all registered subscribers. et_collector:dict_insert/3
Insert a dictionary entry and send a {et, {dict_insert, Key, Val}} tuple to all registered subscribers. et_collector:dict_insert/4
Insert a dictionary entry and send a {et, {dict_insert, Key, Val}} tuple to all registered subscribers. et_collector:dict_insert/4
Calculates the Etag for a file. httpd_util:create_etag/1
Creates an environment data structure used by parts of EDoc for generating references, etc. edoc_lib:get_doc_env/4
Terminate etop etop:stop/0
Transforms Erlang abstract format containing calls to ets/dbg:fun2ms into literal match specifications. ms_transform:parse_transform/2
Checks if an Erlang term is the result of ets:match_spec_compile ets:is_compiled_ms/1
Repair a continuation from ets:select/1 or ets:select/3 that has passed through external representation ets:repair_continuation/2
Test a match_spec for use in ets:select/2. ets:test_ms/2
Repair a continuation from ets:select/1 or ets:select/3 that has passed through external representation ets:repair_continuation/2
Parse incoming data to erl and eval scripts. httpd:parse_query/1
  Evaluate a function call on a node rpc:call/4
  Evaluate a function call on a node rpc:call/5
  Evaluate a function call on a node, asynchrous version rpc:async_call/4
  Evaluate a function call on a node in the RPC server's context rpc:block_call/4
  Evaluate a function call on a node in the RPC server's context rpc:block_call/5
  Evaluate a function call on a number of nodes rpc:multicall/3
  Evaluate a function call on a number of nodes rpc:multicall/4
  Evaluate a function call on a number of nodes rpc:multicall/4
  Evaluate a function call on a number of nodes rpc:multicall/5
  Evaluate a list of expressions erl_eval:expr_list/2
  Evaluate a list of expressions erl_eval:expr_list/3
  Evaluate a list of expressions erl_eval:expr_list/4
  Evaluate a predefined analysis. xref:analyze/3
  Evaluate a query. xref:q/3
  Evaluate an application upgrade or downgrade script release_handler:eval_appup_script/4
  Evaluate and return the value of Erlang expressions in a file file:path_script/2
  Evaluate and return the value of Erlang expressions in a file file:path_script/3
  Evaluate and return the value of Erlang expressions in a file file:script/1
  Evaluate and return the value of Erlang expressions in a file file:script/2
  Evaluate apply(M,F,Args)with alltrace flags set. dbg:c/3
  Evaluate apply(M,F,Args)with Flagstrace flags set. dbg:c/4
Measure the real time it takes to evaluate apply(Module, Function, Arguments) timer:tc/3
  Evaluate Erlang expressions in a file file:eval/1
  Evaluate Erlang expressions in a file file:eval/2
  Evaluate Erlang expressions in a file file:path_eval/2
  Evaluate expression erl_eval:expr/2
  Evaluate expression erl_eval:expr/3
  Evaluate expression erl_eval:expr/4
  Evaluate expressions erl_eval:exprs/2
  Evaluate expressions erl_eval:exprs/3
  Evaluate expressions erl_eval:exprs/4
  Evaluate Module:Function(Arguments)repeatedly at intervals of Time. timer:apply_interval/4
  Evaluate several function calls on all nodes in parallel rpc:parallel_eval/1
  Evaluate the given Any event with the Filter's constraints CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:match/2
  Evaluate the given structured event with the Filter's constraints CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:match_structured/2
  Evaluates apply(Module, Function, Args) on the node Node. ct_rpc:call/5
  Evaluates apply(Module, Function, Args) on the node Node. ct_rpc:call/6
  Evaluates apply(Module, Function, Args) on the node Node. ct_rpc:cast/4
  Evaluates apply(Module, Function, Args) on the node Node. ct_rpc:cast/5
Deliver the result of evaluating a function call on a node (blocking) rpc:yield/1
Deliver the result of evaluating a function call on a node (non-blocking) rpc:nb_yield/1
Deliver the result of evaluating a function call on a node (non-blocking) rpc:nb_yield/2
Parallell evaluation of mapping a function over a list rpc:pmap/4
Bind an NamingContext to the Name even if the Name already is bound CosNaming_NamingContext:rebind_context/3
Bind an Object to the Name even if the Name already is bound CosNaming_NamingContext:rebind/3
Create a structured event cosNotificationApp:create_structured_event/6
Generate a system event sys:handle_debug/1
Handle a synchronous event. gen_fsm:Module:StateName/3
Handle a synchronous event. gen_fsm:Module:handle_sync_event/4
Handle an event. gen_event:Module:handle_event/2
Handle an asynchronous event. gen_fsm:Module:StateName/2
Handle an asynchronous event. gen_fsm:Module:handle_event/3
Notify an event manager about an event. gen_event:notify/2
Notify an event manager about an event. gen_event:sync_notify/2
Send an event asynchronously to a generic FSM. gen_fsm:send_all_state_event/2
Send an event asynchronously to a generic FSM. gen_fsm:send_event/2
Destroy the event channel CosEventChannelAdmin_EventChannel:destroy/1
Disconnect the ProxyPullConsumer object from the event channel. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPullConsumer:disconnect_pull_consumer/1
Disconnect the ProxyPullSupplier object from the event channel. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPullSupplier:disconnect_pull_supplier/1
Disconnect the ProxyPushConsumer object from the event channel. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushConsumer:disconnect_push_consumer/1
Disconnect the ProxyPushSupplier object from the event channel. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushSupplier:disconnect_push_supplier/1
Send one or more events to the event collector process megaco:report_digit_event/2
Change the event data sent when triggered CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:set_data/2
Communicate event data to the consumers. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushConsumer:push/2
Destroy the event domain and all connections within it CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:destroy/1
Provide an event for having the emulator call the driver erl_driver:int driver_select/4
Called when the driver event for input or output is signaled driver_entry:void ready_input/2
Called when the driver event for input or output is signaled driver_entry:void ready_output/2
Pull a structured event from the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPullSupplier:pull_structured_event/1
Pull an Any event from the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPullSupplier:pull/1
Try and pull an Any event from the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPullSupplier:try_pull/1
Try to pull a structured event from the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPullSupplier:try_pull_structured_event/1
For controlling the EventState, to be used in an event function, and called at the beginning and at the end of a parsed entity. xmerl_scan:event_state/2
Initialize an event handler. gen_event:Module:init/1
Initiate the event handler log_mf_h:init/3
Initiate the event handler log_mf_h:init/4
Report a user event to Mnesia's event handler. mnesia:report_event/1
Delete an event handler from a generic event manager. gen_event:delete_handler/3
Delete an event handler from the error logger error_logger:delete_report_handler/1
Replace an event handler in a generic event manager. gen_event:swap_handler/5
Replace an event handler in a generic event manager. gen_event:swap_sup_handler/5
Add a supervised event handler to a generic event manager. gen_event:add_sup_handler/3
Add an event handler to a generic event manager. gen_event:add_handler/3
Add an event handler to the error logger error_logger:add_report_handler/1
Add an event handler to the error logger error_logger:add_report_handler/2
Install config files and event handlers. ct:install/1
Return all event handlers installed in a generic event manager. gen_event:which_handlers/1
Match the Any event if it satisfies at least one constraint CosNotifyFilter_Filter:match/2
Match the structured event if it satisfies at least one constraint CosNotifyFilter_Filter:match_structured/2
Send a delayed event internally in a generic FSM. gen_fsm:send_event_after/2
Send a timeout event internally in a generic FSM. gen_fsm:start_timer/2
Cancel, if possible, triggering of event(s). Returntrueif an event is actually cancelled, falseotherwise CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:cancel_timer/1
Add a supervised event handler to a generic event manager. gen_event:add_sup_handler/3
Add an event handler to a generic event manager. gen_event:add_handler/3
Delete an event handler from a generic event manager. gen_event:delete_handler/3
Make a synchronous call to a generic event manager. gen_event:call/3
Make a synchronous call to a generic event manager. gen_event:call/4
Replace an event handler in a generic event manager. gen_event:swap_handler/5
Replace an event handler in a generic event manager. gen_event:swap_sup_handler/5
Return all event handlers installed in a generic event manager. gen_event:which_handlers/1
Terminate a generic event manager. gen_event:stop/1
Notify an event manager about an event. gen_event:notify/2
Notify an event manager about an event. gen_event:sync_notify/2
Create a stand-alone event manager process. gen_event:start/0
Create a stand-alone event manager process. gen_event:start/1
Create a generic event manager process in a supervision tree. gen_event:start_link/0
Create a generic event manager process in a supervision tree. gen_event:start_link/1
This function is called whenever an event occurs in mod_security mod_security:event/4
This function is called whenever an event occurs in mod_security mod_security:event/5
Make a key out of an event record or an old key et_collector:make_key/2
Transforms trace data and makes an event record out of it et_selector:parse_event/2
Start a Timer Event Service object cosTime:start_timerevent_service/1
Stop the target Timer Event Service object cosTime:stop_timerevent_service/1
Install the cosTime Timer Event Service part application cosTime:install_timerevent/0
Uninstall the cosTime Timer Event Service part application cosTime:uninstall_timerevent/0
Reports an event, such as a message et:phone_home/4
Reports an event, such as a message et:phone_home/5
Reports an event, such as a message et:report_event/4
Reports an event, such as a message et:report_event/5
Send an event synchronously to a generic FSM. gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event/2
Send an event synchronously to a generic FSM. gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event/3
Send an event synchronously to a generic FSM. gen_fsm:sync_send_event/2
Send an event synchronously to a generic FSM. gen_fsm:sync_send_event/3
Clear the event table et_collector:clear_table/1
Load the event table from a file et_collector:load_event_file/2
Return trueif the time has been set for an event that is yet to be triggered, falseotherwise. The outparameter represents the current time value of the target object CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:time_set/1
Report a user event to Mnesia's event handler. mnesia:report_event/1
Report an event to the collector et_collector:report/2
Report an event to the collector et_collector:report_event/5
Report an event to the collector et_collector:report_event/6
Send a standard error report event to the error logger error_logger:error_report/1
Send a standard information event to the error logger error_logger:info_msg/1
Send a standard information event to the error logger error_logger:info_msg/2
Send a standard information report event to the error logger error_logger:info_report/1
Send a standard warning event to the error logger error_logger:warning_msg/1
Send a standard warning event to the error logger error_logger:warning_msg/2
Send a standard warning report event to the error logger error_logger:warning_report/1
Send a user defined error report event to the error logger error_logger:error_report/2
Send a user defined information report event to the error logger error_logger:info_report/2
Send a user defined warning report event to the error logger error_logger:warning_report/2
Send an standard error event to the error logger error_logger:error_msg/1
Send an standard error event to the error logger error_logger:error_msg/2
Send an standard error event to the error logger error_logger:format/2
Push a structured event to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPushConsumer:push_structured_events/2
Push a structured event to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPushConsumer:push_structured_event/2
Push an Any event to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPushConsumer:push/2
Inform the target object which event types the client will and will not accept in the future CosNotifyComm_NotifySubscribe:subscription_change/3
Start a new event viewer and a corresponding collector and load them with trace events from a trace file. et_viewer:file/1
Return a UTO containing the time at which the associated event was triggered CosTimerEvent_TimerEventService:event_time/2
Evaluate the given Any event with the Filter's constraints CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:match/2
Evaluate the given structured event with the Filter's constraints CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:match_structured/2
Subscribe to events of type EventCategory. mnesia:subscribe/1
Subscribe to events of type EventCategory. mnesia:unsubscribe/1
Add a new channel to the EventDomain CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:add_channel/2
Start the NT eventlog server nteventlog:start/2
Start the NT eventlog server nteventlog:start_link/2
Stop the NT eventlog server nteventlog:stop/0
Return the EventReliability QoS identifier CosNotification:'EventReliability'/0
Iterate over the currently stored events et_collector:iterate/5
Iterates over the currently stored events et_collector:iterate/3
Return the current mapping for warning events error_logger:warning_map/0
Subscribe to Inviso events inviso:subscribe/0
Subscribe to Inviso events inviso:subscribe/1
Unsubscribe to Inviso events inviso:unsubscribe/0
Unsubscribe to Inviso events inviso:unsubscribe/1
Feed digit map collector with events and return the result megaco:test_digit_event/2
Start a new event viewer and a corresponding collector and load them with trace events from a trace file. et_viewer:file/1
Pull structured events from the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPullSupplier:pull_structured_events/2
Try to pull structured events from the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPullSupplier:try_pull_structured_events/2
Log system events in memory sys:log/2
Log system events in memory sys:log/3
Check if certain Quality of Service properties can be added to events in the current context of the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyConsumer:validate_event_qos/2
Print the logged events in the debug structure sys:print_log/1
Start a sequence chart viewer for trace events (messages/actions) et_viewer:start_link/1
Subscribe to events of type EventCategory. mnesia:subscribe/1
Subscribe to events of type EventCategory. mnesia:unsubscribe/1
Print all system events on standard_io sys:trace/2
Print all system events on standard_io sys:trace/3
Return all id's of the channels which produce events received by the channel identified by the given id CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_offer_channels/2
Cancel, if possible, triggering of event(s). Returntrueif an event is actually cancelled, falseotherwise CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:cancel_timer/1
Return all id's of the channels which consume events supplied by the channel identified by the given id CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_subscription_channels/2
Administer the type of events the proxy supplies CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:obtain_offered_types/2
Inform the target object which type of events the supplier will deliver CosNotifyComm_NotifyPublish:offer_change/3
Save the events to a file et_collector:save_event_file/3
Send one or more events to the event collector process megaco:report_digit_event/2
Log system events to the specified file sys:log_to_file/2
Log system events to the specified file sys:log_to_file/3
For controlling the EventState, to be used in an event function, and called at the beginning and at the end of a parsed entity. xmerl_scan:event_state/2
Equivalent to event_state(EventState, S). xmerl_scan:event_state/1
Try to send a message without ever blocking erlang:erlang:send_nosuspend/2
Try to send a message without ever blocking erlang:erlang:send_nosuspend/3
As tpm_ms_tracer/5 but also adds a {tracer,Tracer}trace flag to the enable-list of every tracein MS. inviso_rt_meta:tpm_ms_tracer/5
This is an example script on how to startup the Erlang system in embedded mode on Unix. start:start
Get the call stack back-trace of the last exception erlang:erlang:get_stacktrace/0
Return a printable string, which describes the supplied exception orber:exception_info/1
Throw an exception erlang:throw/1
Sets the exception handling of the shell shell:catch_exception/1
Return the exception IDL typecode orber_tc:exception/3
Return true if the supplied exception is a system defined exception otherwise false orber:is_system_exception/1
Stop execution with an exception of given class, reason and call stack backtrace erlang:erlang:raise/3
Return true if the supplied exception is a system defined exception otherwise false orber:is_system_exception/1
Return a list of exception types that can be raised by the target object orber_ifr:get_exceptions/1
Create a ExceptionDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_exception/5
Set the exceptions attribute for the target object orber_ifr:set_exceptions/2
Perform server-side SSL handshake and key exchange ssl:ssl_accept/1
Perform server-side SSL handshake and key exchange ssl:ssl_accept/2
Equivalent to run(TestSpecs, false, InclNodes, ExclNodes). ct_master:run/3
See edoc:run/3 for a description of the options subpackages, source_suffix and exclude_packages. edoc_lib:find_sources/0
Get information about all processes excuting interpreted code int:snapshot/0
Split a RequestLinein a file reference to an executable and aQueryStringor a PathInfostring. httpd_util:split_script_path/1
Let other processes get a chance to execute erlang:erlang:yield/0
  Execute a command in a shell of the target OS os:cmd/1
  Execute a function a shielded node. test_server:run_on_shielded_node/2
  Execute a transaction. mnesia:transaction/3
Synchronously execute a transaction. mnesia:sync_transaction/4
  Execute Funin AccessContext. mnesia:activity/3
  Execute Funin AccessContext. mnesia:activity/4
  Executes a parameterized SQL query. odbc:param_query/3
  Executes a parameterized SQL query. odbc:param_query/4
  Executes a SQL query or a batch of SQL queries. If it is a SELECT query the result set is returned, on the format{selected, ColNames, Rows}. For other query types the tuple {updated, NRows}is returned, and for batched queries, if the driver supports them, this function can also return a list of result tuples. odbc:sql_query/2
  Executes a SQL query or a batch of SQL queries. If it is a SELECT query the result set is returned, on the format{selected, ColNames, Rows}. For other query types the tuple {updated, NRows}is returned, and for batched queries, if the driver supports them, this function can also return a list of result tuples. odbc:sql_query/3
  Executes a SQL SELECT query and associates the result set with the connection. A cursor is positioned before the first row in the result set and the tuple {ok, NrRows}is returned. odbc:select_count/2
  Executes a SQL SELECT query and associates the result set with the connection. A cursor is positioned before the first row in the result set and the tuple {ok, NrRows}is returned. odbc:select_count/3
  Executes all entries in a config file. ttb:run_config/1
  Executes one entry of the history ttb:run_history/1
  Executes selected entries from a config file. ttb:run_config/2
Clear information about processes executing interpreted code i:ic/0
Clear information about processes executing interpreted code int:clear/0
Check if a process is executing old code for a module erlang:check_process_code/2
Called when the process should continue its execution sys:Mod:system_continue/3
Resume process execution int:continue/1
Resume process execution int:continue/3
Stop execution with a given reason erlang:erlang:error/1
Stop execution with a given reason erlang:erlang:error/2
Stop execution with a given reason erlang:erlang:fault/1
Stop execution with a given reason erlang:erlang:fault/2
Stop execution with a given reason erlang:exit/1
Stop execution with an exception of given class, reason and call stack backtrace erlang:erlang:raise/3
Create a FileObject representing a file which may or may not exist CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:create_file/2
Ensure that all parent directories for a file or directory exist. filelib:ensure_dir/1
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:non_existent/1
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:non_existent/2
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:not_existent/1
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:not_existent/2
Send a message over an existing association and given stream gen_sctp:send/4
Compile a module for Cover analysis, using an existing beam. cover:compile_beam/1
Make a printout of all existing breakpoints i:ipb/0
Restart existing call counters for matching functions. cprof:restart/0
Restart existing call counters for matching functions. cprof:restart/1
Restart existing call counters for matching functions. cprof:restart/2
Restart existing call counters for matching functions. cprof:restart/3
Invoke when an existing connection to a client side ORB have been terminated interceptors:closed_in_connection/1
Invoke when an existing connection to a server side ORB have been terminated interceptors:closed_out_connection/1
List all existing connections to/from other ORB's orber:iiop_connections/0
List all existing connections to/from other ORB's orber:iiop_connections/1
Modify existing constraints CosNotifyFilter_Filter:modify_constraints/3
Open an existing Dets table. dets:open_file/1
Add a (possibly existing) element to a gb_set gb_sets:add/2
Add a (possibly existing) element to a gb_set gb_sets:add_element/2
Check if a row in a table exists snmp_generic:table_row_exists/2
Check if a table exists snmpa_local_db:table_exists/1
Return HowManyProperty Names and a boolean which is true if additional Property Names exists CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:next_n/2
Returns the suffix subtree of a list node, if one exists. erl_syntax:list_suffix/1
Return true if a Property Name exists at the current position and the out parameter is a valid Property Name. Otherwise false and a non-valid Property Name CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:next_one/1
Return trueif a Property exists at the current position and the out parameter is a valid Property. Otherwise false and a non-valid property CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator:next_one/1
Return a list of all cycles which exists within the target domain CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_cycles/1
Return a list of all diamonds which exists within the target domain CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_diamonds/1
Send an exit signal to a process erlang:exit/2
Send an exit signal with Reasonafter a specified Time. timer:exit_after/2
Send an exit signal with Reasonafter a specified Time. timer:exit_after/3
Send an exit signal with Reasonafter a specified Time. timer:kill_after/1
Send an exit signal with Reasonafter a specified Time. timer:kill_after/2
  Exit the interactive mode. ct:stop_interactive/0
Halt the Erlang runtime system and indicate normal exit to the calling environment erlang:halt/0
  Exits a normal shell and starts a restricted shell. shell:start_restricted/1
  Exits a restricted shell and starts a normal shell. shell:stop_restricted/0
  Expand a request uri using Alias config directives. mod_alias:real_name/3
  Expand a request uri using ScriptAlias config directives. mod_alias:real_script_name/3
  Expand a string with environment variables win32reg:expand/1
  Expand all records in a module erl_expand_records:module/2
  Expands an abstract list skeleton to its most explicit form. erl_syntax:normalize_list/1
Equivalent to expect(Connections, Patterns, []). ct_telnet:expect/2
Return the node with the expected lowest future load pool:get_node/0
Spawn a process on the pool node with expected lowest future load pool:pspawn/3
Spawn and link to a process on the pool node with expected lowest future load pool:pspawn_link/3
Get data from telnet and wait for the expected pattern. ct_telnet:expect/3
Expands an abstract list skeleton to its most explicit form. erl_syntax:normalize_list/1
  Explicit grab lock. mnesia:lock/2
Send explicit reply to client corba:reply/2
  Explicitly instruct the manager to handle this agent. ct_snmp:register_agents/2
  Explicitly instruct the manager to handle this USM user. ct_snmp:register_usm_users/2
Returns the list of function names declared by an export attribute. erl_syntax_lib:analyze_export_attribute/1
Equivalent to export(Data, Callback, []). xmerl:export/2
Check if a function is exported and loaded erlang:erlang:function_exported/3
For on-the-fly exporting during parsing (SAX style) of the XML document. xmerl:export_element/3
  Exports "simple-form" XML content, using the specified callback-module. xmerl:export_simple/3
  Exports a normal XML element directly, without further context. xmerl:export_element/0
  Exports a simple XML element directly, without further context. xmerl:export_simple_element/0
  Exports normal, well-formed XML content, using the specified callback-module. xmerl:export/3
  Exports normal XML content directly, without further context. xmerl:export_content/2
  Exports simple XML content directly, without further context. xmerl:export_simple_content/0
Equivalent to export_simple(Data, Callback, []). xmerl:export_simple/2
Creates an abstract "implicit fun" expression. erl_syntax:implicit_fun/1
Creates an abstract "implicit fun" expression. erl_syntax:implicit_fun/1
Creates an abstract block expression. erl_syntax:block_expr/1
Creates an abstract function application expression. erl_syntax:application/1
Creates an abstract function application expression. erl_syntax:application/2
Creates an abstract infix operator expression. erl_syntax:infix_expr/1
Creates an abstract Mnemosyne query expression. erl_syntax:query_expr/1
Creates an abstract module-qualified "implicit fun" expression. erl_syntax:implicit_fun/1
Creates an abstract parenthesised expression. erl_syntax:parentheses/1
Creates an abstract prefix operator expression. erl_syntax:prefix_expr/1
Creates an abstract record expression. erl_syntax:record_expr/2
Creates an abstract record field access expression. erl_syntax:record_access/1
Creates an abstract record field index expression. erl_syntax:record_index_expr/1
Evaluate expression erl_eval:expr/2
Evaluate expression erl_eval:expr/3
Evaluate expression erl_eval:expr/4
Fold over all files matching a regular expression. filelib:fold_files/5
Generate a list of tokens for an expression erl_parse:tokens/1
Generate a list of tokens for an expression erl_parse:tokens/2
Match a regular expression regexp:first_match/2
Match a regular expression regexp:match/2
Match a regular expression regexp:matches/2
Parse a regular expression regexp:parse/1
Pretty print one Expression erl_pp:expr/1
Pretty print one Expression erl_pp:expr/2
Pretty print one Expression erl_pp:expr/3
Pretty print one Expression erl_pp:expr/4
Returns the record name and field name/names of a record expression. erl_syntax_lib:analyze_record_expr/1
Search the reports for a regular expression rb:grep/1
Split a string in N chunks using a regular expression. httpd_util:split/3
Substitute all occurrences of a regular expression regexp:gsub/3
Substitute the first occurrence of a regular expression regexp:sub/3
Returns the name of an implicit fun expression "fun <em>F</em>". erl_syntax_lib:analyze_implicit_fun/1
Convert an shregular expression into an AWKone regexp:sh_to_awk/1
EDoc Erlang expression parsing. edoc_lib:parse_expr/0
Returns true if Tree represents an expression which never terminates normally. erl_syntax_lib:is_fail_expr/1
Evaluate expressions erl_eval:exprs/2
Evaluate expressions erl_eval:exprs/3
Evaluate expressions erl_eval:exprs/4
Evaluate a list of expressions erl_eval:expr_list/2
Evaluate a list of expressions erl_eval:expr_list/3
Evaluate a list of expressions erl_eval:expr_list/4
Parse Erlang expressions erl_parse:parse_exprs/1
Pretty print Expressions erl_pp:exprs/1
Pretty print Expressions erl_pp:exprs/2
Pretty print Expressions erl_pp:exprs/3
Read and tokenize Erlang expressions io:scan_erl_exprs/1
Read and tokenize Erlang expressions io:scan_erl_exprs/3
Read, tokenize and parse Erlang expressions io:parse_erl_exprs/1
Read, tokenize and parse Erlang expressions io:parse_erl_exprs/3
Evaluate and return the value of Erlang expressions in a file file:path_script/2
Evaluate and return the value of Erlang expressions in a file file:path_script/3
Evaluate and return the value of Erlang expressions in a file file:script/1
Evaluate and return the value of Erlang expressions in a file file:script/2
Evaluate Erlang expressions in a file file:eval/1
Evaluate Erlang expressions in a file file:eval/2
Evaluate Erlang expressions in a file file:path_eval/2
  Extend the domain of a binary relation. sofs:extension/3
  Extended driver marker driver_entry:int extended_marker
  Extended start of an application application:Module:start_phase/3
Convert a list to an extendible array. array:from_list/1
Convert an ordered list of pairs {Index, Value} to a corresponding extendible array. array:from_orddict/1
Create a new, extendible array with initial size zero. array:new/0
Object code file extension code:objfile_extension/0
Remove a filename extension filename:rootname/1
Remove a filename extension filename:rootname/2
Return the file extension filename:extension/1
Return the last component of a filename, stripped of the specified extension filename:basename/2
Repair a continuation from ets:select/1 or ets:select/3 that has passed through external representation ets:repair_continuation/2
For controlling the FetchState, to be used in a fetch function, and called when the parser fetch an external resource (eg. xmerl_scan:fetch_state/2
Convert the object reference to the external string representation corba:object_to_string/1
Convert the external string representation to an object reference corba:string_to_object/1
Convert the external string representation to an object reference corba:string_to_object/2
Decode an Erlang external term format binary erlang:binary_to_term/1
Encode a term to an Erlang external term format binary erlang:term_to_binary/1
Encode a term to en Erlang external term format binary erlang:term_to_binary/2
Append an extra element to a tuple erlang:erlang:append_element/2
Same purpose as functions listed above, but with extra Skip argument. test_server_ctrl:add_case_with_skip/3
Same purpose as functions listed above, but with extra Skip argument. test_server_ctrl:add_case_with_skip/4
Same purpose as functions listed above, but with extra Skip argument. test_server_ctrl:add_cases_with_skip/3
Same purpose as functions listed above, but with extra Skip argument. test_server_ctrl:add_cases_with_skip/4
Same purpose as functions listed above, but with extra Skip argument. test_server_ctrl:add_dir_with_skip/3
Same purpose as functions listed above, but with extra Skip argument. test_server_ctrl:add_dir_with_skip/4
Same purpose as functions listed above, but with extra Skip argument. test_server_ctrl:add_module_with_skip/2
Same purpose as functions listed above, but with extra Skip argument. test_server_ctrl:add_module_with_skip/3
  Extract a substring string:sub_string/2
  Extract a substring string:sub_string/3
  Extract all files from a tar file erl_tar:extract/1
  Extract an element from a list of tuples lists:keytake/3
  Extract and translate the initial call of a proc_libspawned process. proc_lib:translate_initial_call/1
  Extract files from a tar file erl_tar:extract/2
  Extract files from a zip archive zip:extract/1
  Extract files from a zip archive zip:extract/2
  Extract files from a zip archive zip:unzip/1
  Extract files from a zip archive zip:unzip/2
  Extract files from an open archive zip:zip_get/1
  Extract files from an open archive zip:zip_get/2
  Extract largest element gb_sets:take_largest/1
  Extract largest key and value gb_trees:take_largest/1
  Extract smallest element gb_sets:take_smallest/1
  Extract smallest key and value gb_trees:take_smallest/1
  Extract subword string:sub_word/2
  Extract subword string:sub_word/3
  Extract the file suffix from a given filename. httpd_util:suffix/1
  Extract the first value associated with a key in an ETS table. httpd_util:lookup/2
  Extract the first value associated with a key in an ETS table. httpd_util:lookup/3
  Extract the initial call of a proc_libspawned process. proc_lib:initial_call/1
  Extract the values associated with a key in a ETS table. httpd_util:multi_lookup/2
  Extracts comments from a string containing Erlang source code. erl_comment_scan:string/0
  Extracts comments from an Erlang source code file. edoc:read_comments/1
  Extracts comments from an Erlang source code file. erl_comment_scan:file/1
Reads a source code file and extracts EDoc documentation data. edoc:get_doc/1
  Extracts EDoc documentation from commented header file syntax trees. edoc_extract:header/2
  Extracts EDoc documentation from commented source code syntax trees. edoc_extract:source/2
  Extracts individual comment lines from a source code string. erl_comment_scan:scan_lines/1
  Extracts the nodes from the parsed XML tree according to XPath. xmerl_xpath:string/5
  Extracts the nodes from the xml tree according to XPath. xmerl_xs:select/1