Erlang/OTP Permuted Index

Permuted index of Erlang/OTP functions and commands



Notify the target object that the transaction has been rolled back CosTransactions_SubtransactionAwareResource:rollback_subtransaction/1
Register the parameter SubtransactionAwareResource object such that it will be notified when the transaction, associated wit the target object, has committed or rolled back CosTransactions_Coordinator:register_subtran_aware/2
Sends Data back to client. mod_esi:deliver/2
  Back up a registry to Mnesia registry:ei_reg_dump/4
  Back up all tables in a checkpoint. mnesia:backup_checkpoint/3
  Back up all tables in the database. mnesia:backup/2
Stop execution with an exception of given class, reason and call stack backtrace erlang:erlang:raise/3
Stack backtrace for a process c:bt/1
Get the call stack backtrace of the last exception erlang:erlang:get_stacktrace/0
Online restore of backup. mnesia:restore/2
Traversal of a backup. mnesia:traverse_backup/6
  Backup agent data snmpa:backup/1
  Backup agent data snmpa:backup/2
Install a backup as fallback. mnesia:install_fallback/1
Install a backup as fallback. mnesia:install_fallback/2
Install a backup as fallback. mnesia:install_fallback/2
  Backup manager data snmpm:backup/1
Step forward or backward among the wrap log files of a disk log. disk_log:chunk_step/3
Creates a dynamic web page and return it as a list. This functions is deprecated and only keept for backwards compability. mod_esi:Module:Function/2
Encodes a plain ASCII string into base64. http_base_64:encode/1
Convert an ASCII string to a Base64 encoded string. httpd_util:encode_base64/1
Convert a base64 encoded string to a plain ascii string. httpd_util:decode_base64/1
Decodes an base64 encoded string to plain ASCII. http_base_64:decode/1
Partition a list into two lists based on a predicate lists:partition/2
Split a list into two lists based on a predicate lists:splitwith/2
Descend recursively down all the directories in DirList and create a TAGS file based on all files found. tags:subdirs/2
Descend recursively down the directory Dir and create a TAGS file based on all files found. tags:subdir/2
Return a hash value based on the target object corba_object:hash/2
Set the BaseInterfaces attribute orber_ifr:set_base_interfaces/2
Executes a SQL query or a batch of SQL queries. If it is a SELECT query the result set is returned, on the format {selected, ColNames, Rows}. For other query types the tuple {updated, NRows} is returned, and for batched queries, if the driver supports them, this function can also return a list of result tuples. odbc:sql_query/2
Executes a SQL query or a batch of SQL queries. If it is a SELECT query the result set is returned, on the format {selected, ColNames, Rows}. For other query types the tuple {updated, NRows} is returned, and for batched queries, if the driver supports them, this function can also return a list of result tuples. odbc:sql_query/3
Executes a SQL query or a batch of SQL queries. If it is a SELECT query the result set is returned, on the format {selected, ColNames, Rows}. For other query types the tuple {updated, NRows} is returned, and for batched queries, if the driver supports them, this function can also return a list of result tuples. odbc:sql_query/2
Executes a SQL query or a batch of SQL queries. If it is a SELECT query the result set is returned, on the format {selected, ColNames, Rows}. For other query types the tuple {updated, NRows} is returned, and for batched queries, if the driver supports them, this function can also return a list of result tuples. odbc:sql_query/3
Compile a module for Cover analysis, using an existing beam. cover:compile_beam/1
Information about a BEAM file beam_lib:info/1
Removes chunks not needed by the loader from a BEAM file beam_lib:strip/1
Read selected chunks from a BEAM file or binary beam_lib:chunks/2
Compare two BEAM files beam_lib:cmp/2
Removes chunks not needed by the loader from BEAM files beam_lib:strip_files/1
Compile all .beam files in a directory for Cover analysis. cover:compile_beam_directory/0
Compile all .beam files in a directory for Cover analysis. cover:compile_beam_directory/1
Compare the BEAM files in two directories beam_lib:cmp_dirs/2
Compare the BEAM files in two directories beam_lib:diff_dirs/2
Read the BEAM file's module version beam_lib:version/1
Removes chunks not needed by the loader from all BEAM files of a release beam_lib:strip_release/1
Return an English description of a BEAM read error reply beam_lib:format_error/1
Instruct the target object to begin the two-phase commit protocol CosTransactions_Resource:prepare/1
For controlling the EventState, to be used in an event function, and called at the beginning and at the end of a parsed entity. xmerl_scan:event_state/2
Add a directory to the beginning of the code path code:add_patha/1
Add directories to the beginning of the code path code:add_pathsa/1
The default fallback behaviour. xmerl_xs:built_in_rules/2
List all connections to another ORB currently being set up orber:iiop_connections_pending/0
Restart a terminated child process belonging to a supervisor. supervisor:restart_child/2
Return information about all children specifications and child processes belonging to a supervisor. supervisor:which_children/1
Terminate a child process belonging to a supervisor. supervisor:terminate_child/2
Which mib an Oid belongs to snmpa:mib_of/1
Which mib an Oid belongs to snmpa:mib_of/2
Return the BestEffort QoS value CosNotification:'BestEffort'/0
Equivalent to best(Tree, []). erl_prettypr:best/1
Concatenate a list of binaries (deprecated) erlang:concat_binary/1
A driver binary. erl_driver:ErlDrvBinary
Allocate a driver binary erl_driver:ErlDrvBinary* driver_alloc_binary/1
Check whether a term is a binary erlang:is_binary/1
Convert a list to a binary erlang:list_to_binary/1
Convert an iolist to a binary erlang:iolist_to_binary/1
Converts an IO list to a binary erl_eterm:erl_iolist_to_binary/1
Decode a binary ei:ei_decode_binary/4
Decode an Erlang external term format binary erlang:binary_to_term/1
Decrement the reference count of a driver binary erl_driver:long driver_binary_dec_refc/1
Encode a binary ei:ei_encode_binary/4
Encode a binary ei:ei_x_encode_binary/3
Encode a term to an Erlang external term format binary erlang:term_to_binary/1
Encode a term to en Erlang external term format binary erlang:term_to_binary/2
Free a driver binary erl_driver:void driver_free_binary/1
Get the reference count of a driver binary erl_driver:long driver_binary_get_refc/1
Increment the reference count of a driver binary erl_driver:long driver_binary_inc_refc/1
Read selected chunks from a BEAM file or binary beam_lib:chunks/2
Resize a driver binary erl_driver:ErlDrvBinary* driver_realloc_binary/2
Return the arity of a tuple or binary erl_eterm:erl_size/1
Set transfer type to ascii or binary. ftp:type/2
Size of a tuple or binary erlang:size/1
Transfer file from remote server as a binary. ftp:recv_bin/2
Transforms an unicode list ot an utf8 binary. asn1rt:utf8_list_to_binary/1
Push binary at the head of the driver queue erl_driver:int driver_pushq_bin/4
Send binary data over socket. httpd_socket:deliver/3
Send data and binary data to port owner erl_driver:int driver_output2/5
Enqueue binary in the driver queue erl_driver:int driver_enq_bin/4
Transfer a binary into a remote file. ftp:append_bin/3
Transfer a binary into a remote file. ftp:send_bin/3
Split a binary into two erlang:split_binary/2
Convert between binary multi-precision integer and erlang big integer crypto:erlint/1
Convert between binary multi-precision integer and erlang big integer crypto:mpint/1
Returns the list of field subtrees of a binary node. erl_syntax:binary_fields/1
Assign a binary object registry:ei_reg_setpval/4
Creates a binary object erl_eterm:erl_mk_binary/2
Get a binary object registry:ei_reg_getpval/3
Generate a binary of random bytes crypto:rand_bytes/1
Create a family from a binary relation. sofs:relation_to_family/1
Extend the domain of a binary relation. sofs:extension/3
Return a restriction of a binary relation. sofs:drestriction/2
Return a restriction of a binary relation. sofs:restriction/2
Return the converse of a binary relation. sofs:converse/1
Return the domain of a binary relation. sofs:domain/1
Return the field of a binary relation. sofs:field/1
Return the image of a set under a binary relation. sofs:image/2
Return the inverse image of a set under a binary relation. sofs:inverse_image/2
Return the range of a binary relation. sofs:range/1
Return the relative product of a tuple of binary relations and a binary relation. sofs:relative_product/2
Create a binary relation from a family. sofs:family_to_relation/1
Return the relative product of two binary relations. sofs:relative_product/2
Return the relative_product of two binary relations. sofs:relative_product1/2
Return the relative product of a tuple of binary relations and a binary relation. sofs:relative_product/2
Return the multiple relative product of a tuple of binary relations and a relation. sofs:multiple_relative_product/2
Creates an abstract binary template field. erl_syntax:binary_field/1
Creates an abstract binary template field. erl_syntax:binary_field/1
Convert a binary to a list erlang:binary_to_list/1
Convert part of a binary to a list erlang:binary_to_list/3
Transforms an utf8 encoded binary to a unicode list. asn1rt:utf8_binary_to_list/1
Send data from a driver binary to port owner erl_driver:int driver_output_binary/6
Format a binary trace log ttb:format/2
Generate a binary version of a boot script. systools:script2boot/1
Compress a binary with gz header zlib:gzip/1
Uncompress a binary with gz header zlib:gunzip/1
Compress a binary with standard zlib functionality zlib:compress/1
Uncompress a binary with standard zlib functionality zlib:uncompress/1
Compress a binary without the zlib headers zlib:zip/1
Uncompress a binary without the zlib headers zlib:unzip/1
Returns the body subtree of a binary_field. erl_syntax:binary_field_body/1
Returns the list of type-specifier subtrees of a binary_field node. erl_syntax:binary_field_types/1
Returns the size specifier subtree of a binary_field node, if any. erl_syntax:binary_field_size/1
Equivalent to binary_field(Body, []). erl_syntax:binary_field/1
Creates an abstract binary-object template. erl_syntax:binary/1
  Bind a Name to an NamingContext CosNaming_NamingContext:bind_context/3
  Bind a Name to an Object CosNaming_NamingContext:bind/3
  Bind an NamingContext to the Name even if the Name already is bound CosNaming_NamingContext:rebind_context/3
  Bind an Object to the Name even if the Name already is bound CosNaming_NamingContext:rebind/3
Create a new NamingContext and bind it to a Name CosNaming_NamingContext:bind_new_context/2
Add a binding erl_eval:add_binding/3
Delete a binding erl_eval:del_binding/2
Retrieve a variable binding int:get_binding/2
Return a binding CosNaming_BindingIterator:next_one/1
Remove the binding for a Name CosNaming_NamingContext:unbind/2
Return a binding list CosNaming_BindingIterator:next_n/2
Match a chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of variable bindings. dets:match/1
Match the first chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of variable bindings. dets:match/3
Match the objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of variable bindings. dets:match/2
Return bindings erl_eval:binding/2
Return bindings erl_eval:bindings/1
List returns a all bindings in the context CosNaming_NamingContext:list/2
Return a bindings structure erl_eval:new_bindings/0
Count blank separated words string:words/1
Count blank separated words string:words/2
Free an allocated memory block erl_driver:void driver_free/1
Resize an allocated memory block erl_driver:void *driver_realloc/2
  Block a disk log. disk_log:block/1
  Block a disk log. disk_log:block/2
  Block a running server. httpd:block/0
  Block a running server. httpd:block/1
  Block a running server. httpd:block/1
  Block a running server. httpd:block/2
  Block a running server. httpd:block/2
  Block a running server. httpd:block/2
  Block a running server. httpd:block/3
  Block a running server. httpd:block/3
  Block a running server. httpd:block/4
Decrypt Cipher according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cbc_128_decrypt/3
Decrypt Cipher according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cfb_128_decrypt/3
Encrypt Text according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cbc_128_encrypt/3
Encrypt Text according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cfb_128_encrypt/3
Creates an abstract block expression. erl_syntax:block_expr/1
Returns the memory block header size used by the emulator that generated the memory allocation map instrument:block_header_size/1
Remove a blocked user from the block list mod_security:unblock_user/2
Remove a blocked user from the block list mod_security:unblock_user/3
Remove a blocked user from the block list mod_security:unblock_user/3
Remove a blocked user from the block list mod_security:unblock_user/4
Returns the memory block type numbers instrument:type_no_range/1
  Block user from access to a directory for a certain amount of time. mod_security:block_user/4
  Block user from access to a directory for a certain amount of time. mod_security:block_user/5
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/1
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/2
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/2
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/3
Unblock a blocked server. httpd:unblock/0
Unblock a blocked server. httpd:unblock/1
Unblock a blocked server. httpd:unblock/1
Unblock a blocked server. httpd:unblock/2
Remove a blocked user from the block list mod_security:unblock_user/2
Remove a blocked user from the block list mod_security:unblock_user/3
Remove a blocked user from the block list mod_security:unblock_user/3
Remove a blocked user from the block list mod_security:unblock_user/4
Returns the list of body subtrees of a block_expr node. erl_syntax:block_expr_body/1
Deliver the result of evaluating a function call on a node (blocking) rpc:yield/1
Try to send a message without ever blocking erlang:erlang:send_nosuspend/2
Try to send a message without ever blocking erlang:erlang:send_nosuspend/3
Print out the sizes of unused memory blocks instrument:holes/1
Equivalent to clause([], Guard, Body). erl_syntax:clause/2
Invoke when replies arrives at the client side ORB with undecoded reply body interceptors:in_reply_encoded/6
Invoke when requests arrive at the server side ORB with undecoded request body interceptors:in_request_encoded/6
Parses a digit map body megaco:parse_digit_map/1
Returns the body subtree of a binary_field. erl_syntax:binary_field_body/1
Returns the body subtree of a catch_expr node. erl_syntax:catch_expr_body/1
Returns the body subtree of a class_qualifier node. erl_syntax:class_qualifier_body/1
Returns the body subtree of a generator node. erl_syntax:generator_body/1
Returns the body subtree of a match_expr node. erl_syntax:match_expr_body/1
Returns the body subtree of a module_qualifier node. erl_syntax:module_qualifier_body/1
Returns the body subtree of a parentheses node. erl_syntax:parentheses_body/1
Returns the body subtree of a query_expr node. erl_syntax:query_expr_body/1
Returns the body subtree of a size_qualifier node. erl_syntax:size_qualifier_body/1
Returns the body subtree of an arity_qualifier node. erl_syntax:arity_qualifier_body/1
Returns the list of body subtrees of a block_expr node. erl_syntax:block_expr_body/1
Return the list of body subtrees of a clause node. erl_syntax:clause_body/1
Returns the list of body subtrees of a conjunction node. erl_syntax:conjunction_body/1
Returns the list of body subtrees of a disjunction node. erl_syntax:disjunction_body/1
Returns the list of body subtrees of a list_comp node. erl_syntax:list_comp_body/1
Returns the list of action body subtrees of a receive_expr node. erl_syntax:receive_expr_action/1
Returns the list of body subtrees of a try_expr node. erl_syntax:try_expr_body/1
Check whether a term is a boolean erlang:is_boolean/1
Decode a boolean ei:ei_decode_boolean/3
Encode a boolean ei:ei_encode_boolean/3
Encode a boolean ei:ei_x_encode_boolean/2
Return a boolean if the target InterfaceDef match or inherit from the gievn id orber_ifr:is_a/2
Test for a Boolean operator erl_internal:bool_op/2
Return the next FileWrapper and a boolean which indicate whether the FileWrapper is valid or not. CosFileTransfer_FileIterator:next_one/1
Return a list, of length Max or less, containing FileWrappers and a boolean which indicates if more FileWrappers exists CosFileTransfer_FileIterator:next_n/2
Return a boolean which indicates whether the transction associated with the target object is a descendant of the transaction associated with the parameter object CosTransactions_Coordinator:is_descendant_transaction/2
Return HowMany Property Names and a boolean which is true if additional Property Names exists CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:next_n/2
Clear the temporary boot command heart:clear_cmd/0
Generate a binary version of a boot script. systools:script2boot/1
Get the identity of the used boot script init:script_id/0
Generate a boot script .script/.boot. systools:make_script/1
Generate a boot script .script/.boot. systools:make_script/2
Start the boot server erl_boot_server:start/1
Start the boot server and links the caller erl_boot_server:start_link/1
Stop both control and runtime components inviso:stop_all/0
Name resolving function that notifies both pids global:notify_all_name/3
Bind an NamingContext to the Name even if the Name already is bound CosNaming_NamingContext:rebind_context/3
Bind an Object to the Name even if the Name already is bound CosNaming_NamingContext:rebind/3
Retrieve an Object bound to Name CosNaming_NamingContext:resolve/2
Create a brand new schema on the specified nodes. mnesia:create_schema/1
Separates two documents by either a single space, or a line break and intentation. prettypr:follow/1
Forces a line break at the end of the given document. prettypr:break/1
Create a breakpoint i:ib/2
Create a breakpoint int:break/2
Delete a breakpoint i:ir/2
Delete a breakpoint int:delete_break/2
Set the conditional test of a breakpoint i:ibc/3
Set the conditional test of a breakpoint int:test_at_break/3
Set the trigger action of a breakpoint i:iba/3
Set the trigger action of a breakpoint int:action_at_break/3
Make a breakpoint active i:ibe/2
Make a breakpoint active int:enable_break/2
Make a breakpoint inactive i:ibd/2
Make a breakpoint inactive int:disable_break/2
Delete all breakpoints i:ir/0
Delete all breakpoints int:no_break/0
Delete all breakpoints int:no_break/1
Get all breakpoints int:all_breaks/0
Get all breakpoints int:all_breaks/1
Make a printout of all existing breakpoints i:ipb/0
Delete breakpoints from the specified function i:ir/3
Delete breakpoints from the specified function int:del_break_in/3
Delete all breakpoints in a module i:ir/1
Make a printout of all breakpoints in a module i:ipb/1
Create breakpoints in the specified function i:ib/3
Create breakpoints in the specified function int:break_in/3
Create a supervisor bridge process. supervisor_bridge:start_link/2
Create a supervisor bridge process. supervisor_bridge:start_link/3
Give brief help for an item. dbg:h/1
Display a brief help text erlsrv:erlsrv
  Broadcast a message asynchronously to a registered process on all nodes rpc:abcast/2
  Broadcast a message asynchronously to a registered process on specific nodes rpc:abcast/3
  Broadcast a message synchronously to a registered process on all nodes rpc:sbcast/2
  Broadcast a message synchronously to a registered process on specific nodes rpc:sbcast/3
  Browse an ETS table on tty. ets:i/1
Allocate a new buffer ei:ei_x_new/1
Allocate a new buffer ei:ei_x_new_with_version/1
Collect data segments into a buffer erl_driver:int driver_vec_to_buf/3
Frees a buffer ei:ei_x_free/1
Appends a buffer at the end ei:ei_x_append/2
Appends a buffer at the end ei:ei_x_append_buf/3
Get buffer size zlib:getBufSize/1
Set buffer size zlib:setBufSize/2
Flush internal data buffers in a trace driver on the given node. dbg:flush_trace_port/1
Signal or unsignal port as busy erl_driver:void set_busy_port/2
Determines type of an encoded byte sequence erl_marshal:erl_ext_type/1
Compares encoded byte sequences erl_marshal:erl_compare_ext/2
For controlling the ContinuationState, to be used in a continuation function, and called when the parser encounters the end of the byte stream. xmerl_scan:cont_state/2
Generate a binary of random bytes crypto:rand_bytes/1
Insert the SourceFile into the DestinationFile Offset bytes from the start of the file CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:insert/4
Decode from Bytes into an ASN.1 value. asn1ct:decode/3
Decode from bytes into an ASN.1 value. asn1rt:decode/3
Return the size in bytes of the file. filelib:file_size/1