[Ericsson AB]





Command Interface Module


The c module enables users to enter the short form of some commonly used commands. These functions are are intended for interactive use in the Erlang shell.


bt(Pid) -> void()


Pid = pid()

This function evaluates erlang:process_display(Pid, backtrace).

c(File) -> CompileResult

This function is equivalent to:

compile:file(File,[report_errors, report_warnings])

c(File, Flags) -> CompileResult


File = atom() | string()
CompileResult = {ok, ModuleName} | error
ModuleName = atom()
Flags = [Flag]

This function calls the following function and then purges and loads the code for the file:

compile:file(File, Flags ++ [report_errors, report_warnings])

If the module corresponding to File is being interpreted, then int:i is called with the same arguments and the module is loaded into the interpreter. Note that int:i only recognizes a subset of the options recognized by compile:file.

Extreme care should be exercised when using this command to change running code which is executing. The expected result may not be obtained.

Refer to compiler manual pages for a description of the individual compiler flags.

cd(Dir) -> void()


Dir = atom() | string()

This function changes the current working directory to Dir, and then prints the new working directory.

flush() -> void()

This function flushes all messages in the shell message queue.

help() -> void()

This function displays help about the shell and about the command interface module.

i() -> void()

This function provides information about the current state of the system. This call uses the BIFs processes() and process_info/1 to examine the current state of the system. (The code is a good introduction to these two BIFs).

i(X, Y, Z) -> void()


X = Y = Z = int()

This function evaluates process_info(pid(X, Y, Z)).

l(Module) -> void()


Module = atom() | string()

This function evaluates code:purge(Module) followed by code:load_module(Module). It reloads the module.

lc(ListOfFiles) -> Result


ListOfFiles = [File]
File = atom() | string()
Result = [CompileResult]
CompileResult = {ok, ModuleName} | error
ModuleName = atom()

This function compiles several files by calling c(File) for each file in ListOfFiles.

ls() -> void()

This function lists all files in the current directory.

ls(Dir) -> void()


Dir = atom() | string()

This function lists all files in the directory Dir.

m() -> void()

This function lists the modules which have been loaded and the files from which they have been loaded.

m(Module) -> void()


Module = atom()

This function lists information about Module.

memory() -> MemoryInformation

The same as erlang:memory/0, see the erlang(3) man page.

memory(MemoryTypeSpecification) -> MemoryInformation

The same as erlang:memory/1, see the erlang(3) man page.

nc(File) -> void()


File = atom() | string()

This function compiles File and loads it on all nodes in an Erlang nodes network.

nc(File, Flags) -> void()


File = atom() | string()
Flags = [Flag]

This function compiles File with the additional compiler flags Flags and loads it on all nodes in an Erlang nodes network. Refer to the compile manual pages for a description of Flags.

ni() -> void()

This function does the same as i(), but for all nodes in the network.

nl(Module) -> void()


Module = atom()

This function loads Module on all nodes in an Erlang nodes network.

nregs() -> void()

This function is the same as regs(), but on all nodes in the system.

pid(X, Y, Z) -> pid()


X = Y = Z = int()

This function converts the integers X, Y, and Z to the Pid <X.Y.Z>. It saves typing and the use of list_to_pid/1. This function should only be used when debugging.

pwd() -> void()

This function prints the current working directory.

q() -> void()

This function is shorthand for init:stop(), i.e., it causes the node to stop in a controlled fashion.

regs() -> void()

This function displays formatted information about all registered processes in the system.

xm(ModSpec) -> void()


ModSpec = Module | File
Module = atom()
File = string()

This function finds undefined functions and unused functions in a module by calling xref:m/1.

See Also



Joe Armstrong - support@erlang.ericsson.se
Robert Virding - support@erlang.ericsson.se
Claes Wikström - support@erlang.ericsson.se

stdlib 1.13.7
Copyright © 1991-2005 Ericsson AB