Erlang/OTP Permuted Index

Permuted index of Erlang/OTP functions and commands



  Halt the Erlang runtime system erlang:halt/1
  Halt the Erlang runtime system and indicate normal exit to the calling environment erlang:halt/0
Get all answers from the Handle mnemosyne:eval/1
Return a table handle et_collector:get_table_handle/1
  Handle a synchronous event. gen_fsm:Module:StateName/3
  Handle a synchronous event. gen_fsm:Module:handle_sync_event/4
  Handle a synchronous request. gen_event:Module:handle_call/2
  Handle a synchronous request. gen_server:Module:handle_call/3
  Handle an asynchronous event. gen_fsm:Module:StateName/2
  Handle an asynchronous event. gen_fsm:Module:handle_event/3
  Handle an asynchronous request. gen_server:Module:handle_cast/2
  Handle an event. gen_event:Module:handle_event/2
  Handle an incoming message. gen_event:Module:handle_info/2
  Handle an incoming message. gen_fsm:Module:handle_info/3
  Handle an incoming message. gen_server:Module:handle_info/2
Set flags on how to handle control entry function erl_driver:void set_port_control_flags/2
Return the name of the Dets table handled by a pid. dets:pid2name/1
Return the name of the disk log handled by a pid. disk_log:pid2name/1
Return the name of the file handled by a pid. file:pid2name/1
Delete an error report handler. error_logger:delete_report_handler/1
Initialize an event handler. gen_event:Module:init/1
Initiate the event handler log_mf_h:init/3
Initiate the event handler log_mf_h:init/4
Install a release file in the release handler release_handler:install_file/2
Report a user event to Mnesia's event handler. mnesia:report_event/1
Start a trace client that reads messages created by a trace port driver, with a user defined handler dbg:trace_client/3
Swap from a primitive first handler to a standard event handler error_logger:swap_handler/1
Delete an event handler from a generic event manager. gen_event:delete_handler/3
Replace an event handler in a generic event manager. gen_event:swap_handler/5
Replace an event handler in a generic event manager. gen_event:swap_sup_handler/5
Add a supervised event handler to a generic event manager. gen_event:add_sup_handler/3
Add an event handler to a generic event manager. gen_event:add_handler/3
Swap from a primitive first handler to a standard event handler error_logger:swap_handler/1
Add a new event handler to the error logger. error_logger:add_report_handler/1
Add a new event handler to the error logger. error_logger:add_report_handler/2
Return all event handlers installed in a generic event manager. gen_event:which_handlers/1
Request a commit or rollback operation for all active operations on all statement handles associated with a connection old_odbc:sqlEndTran/2
Request a commit or rollback operation for all active operations on all statement handles associated with a connection old_odbc:sqlEndTran/3
Start a tracer server that handles trace messages. dbg:tracer/0
Make a hard link to a file file:make_link/2
Return a hash code for the top-level transaction associated with the target object CosTransactions_Coordinator:hash_top_level_tran/1
Return a hash code for the transaction associated with the target object. CosTransactions_Coordinator:hash_transaction/1
Portable hash function that will give the same hash for the same erlang term regardless of machine architecture and ERTS version erlang:erlang:phash/2
Portable hash function erlang:erlang:phash2/2
Portable hash function that will give the same hash for the same erlang term regardless of machine architecture and ERTS version erlang:erlang:phash/2
Initiate the hash state for a new table mnesia_frag_hash:init_state/2
Return a hash value based on the target object corba_object:hash/2
Return a hash value for Term erlang:erlang:hash/2
Remove the head item from a queue queue:out/1
Remove the head item from a queue queue:tail/1
Prepends a term to the head of a list. erl_eterm:erl_cons/2
Insert an item at the head of a queue queue:cons/2
Insert an item at the head of a queue queue:in_r/2
Return the item at the head of a queue queue:head/1
Dequeue data from the head of the driver queue erl_driver:int driver_deq/2
Push binary at the head of the driver queue erl_driver:int driver_pushq_bin/4
Push data at the head of the driver queue erl_driver:int driver_pushq/3
Push vector at the head of the driver queue erl_driver:int driver_pushqv/3
Change the head or head_func option for an owner of a disk log. disk_log:change_header/2
Generate a HTTP 1.1 header. httpd_util:header/2
Generate a HTTP 1.1 header. httpd_util:header/2
Generate a HTTP 1.1 header. httpd_util:header/3
Generate a HTTP 1.1 header. httpd_util:header/4
Returns the memory block header size used by the emulator that generated the memory allocation map instrument:block_header_size/1
Change the head or head_func option for an owner of a disk log. disk_log:change_header/2
Start the heart program. heart:start/0
Compiles a trace into raw profile data held by the fprof server. fprof:profile/1
Give brief help for an item. dbg:h/1
Display help information c:help/0
Print help information rb:h/0
Print help information rb:help/0
Give a list of available help items on standard output. dbg:h/0
Display a brief help text erlsrv:erlsrv
Print help text i:help/0
Instruct the target object to forget any heuristic decisions CosTransactions_Resource:forget/1
Convert an integer to a hexadecimal string. httpd_util:integer_tohexlist/1
Convert a hexadecimal string to an integer. httpd_util:hexlist_to_integer/1
  Hibernate a process until a message is sent to it erlang:erlang:hibernate/3
Create a hierarchy of graphical objects. gs:create_tree/2
Return lowest and highest memory address used instrument:mem_limits/1
Return the HighestPriority QoS value CosNotification:'HighestPriority'/0
Executes one entry of the history ttb:run_history/1
Returns all calls stored in history ttb:list_history/0
Call epmd for the fully qualified name (DNS) of Host net_adm:dns_hostname/1
Get the number of UNIX processes running on this host cpu_sup:nprocs/0
Request the names of the registrered Erlang nodes on this host epmd:epmd
Return the fully qualified name of the local host net_adm:localhost/0
Return the official name of the current host. httpd_socket:resolve/0
Set up a socket to listen on a port on the local host. ssl:listen/2
Start a slave node at Host slave:start/1
Start a slave node at Host slave:start_link/1
Start a slave node at Host called Name@Host slave:start/2
Start a slave node at Host called Name@Host slave:start_link/2
Start a slave node at Host called Name@Host slave:start_link/3
Start a slave node at Host called Name@Host and passes Args to new node slave:start/3
Run epmd - names on all hosts which are specified in the Erlang host file net_adm:world/0
Run epmd - names on all hosts which are specified in the Erlang host file net_adm:world_list/2
Return a hostent record for the host with the given address inet:gethostbyaddr/1
Return a hostent record for the host with the given name inet:gethostbyname/1
Return a hostent record for the host with the given name inet:gethostbyname/2
Return a hostent record for the host with the given address inet:gethostbyaddr/1
Return a hostent record for the host with the given name inet:gethostbyname/1
Return a hostent record for the host with the given name inet:gethostbyname/2
Return the local hostname inet:gethostname/0
Return the current list of allowed slave hosts. erl_boot_server:which_slaves/0
Run epmd - names on all hosts which are specified in the Erlang host file net_adm:world/0
Run epmd - names on all hosts which are specified in the Erlang host file net_adm:world_list/2
Read the .hosts.erlang file net_adm:host_file/0
Return the tuple {Hour, Minute, Second} of the current system time erlang:time/0
Convert Hours to Milliseconds. timer:hours/1
Convert Hours+Minutes+Seconds to Milliseconds. timer:hms/3
Return true if the requested number of properties can be delivered and there are additional properties. Otherwise false is returned and a sequence of max HowMany properties CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator:next_n/2
Return HowMany Property Names and a boolean which is true if additional Property Names exists CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:next_n/2
Return an informative HTTP 1.1 status string in HTML. httpd_util:message/3
Generate a HTTP 1.1 header. httpd_util:header/2
Generate a HTTP 1.1 header. httpd_util:header/2
Generate a HTTP 1.1 header. httpd_util:header/3
Generate a HTTP 1.1 header. httpd_util:header/4
Return the description of an HTTP 1.1 status code. httpd_util:reason_phrase/1
Return an informative HTTP 1.1 status string in HTML. httpd_util:message/3
Parse output from a CGI script and generates an appropriate HTTP status code. mod_cgi:status_code/1