[Erlang Systems]

8 Definition of Configuration Files

All configuration data must be included in configuration files that are located in the configuration directory. The name of this directory is given in the snmp_config_dir configuration parameter. These files are read at start-up, and are used to initialize the SNMPv2-MIB or STANDARD-MIB, SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB, SNMP-MPD-MIB, SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB, SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB, SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB, SNMP-TARGET-MIB and SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB (refer to the Management of the Agent for a description of the MIBs).

The directory where the configuration files are found is given as a parameter to the agent.

The entry format in all files are Erlang terms, separated by a '.' and a newline. In the following sections, the formats of these terms are described. Comments may be specified as ordinary Erlang comments.

Syntax errors in these files are discovered and reported with the function config_err/2 of the error report module at start-up.

8.1 Agent Information

The agent information should be stored in a file called agent.conf.

Each entry is a tuple of size two:

{AgentVariable, Value}.

The following example shows a agent.conf file:

{intAgentUDPPort, 4000}.
{snmpEngineID, "mbj's engine"}.
{snmpEngineMaxPacketSize, 484}.

The value of snmpEngineID is a string, which for a deployed agent should have a very specific structure. See RFC 2271/2571 for details.

8.2 Contexts

The context information should be stored in a file called context.conf. The default context "" need not be present.

Each row defines a context in the agent. This information is used in the table vacmContextTable in the SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB.

Each entry is a term:


8.3 System Information

The system information should be stored in a file called standard.conf.

Each entry is a tuple of size two:

{SystemVariable, Value}.

The following example shows a valid standard.conf file:

{sysDescr, "Erlang SNMP agent"}.
{sysObjectID, [1,2,3]}.
{sysContact, "(mbj,eklas)@erlang.ericsson.se"}.
{sysName, "test"}.
{sysServices, 72}.
{snmpEnableAuthenTraps, enabled}.

A value must be provided for all variables, which lack default values in the MIB.

8.4 Communities

The community information should be stored in a file called community.conf. It must be present if the agent is configured for SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c.

The corresponding table is snmpCommunityTable in the SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB.

Each entry is a term:

{CommunityIndex, CommunityName, SecurityName, ContextName, TransportTag}.

8.5 MIB Views for VACM

The information about MIB Views for VACM should be stored in a file called vacm.conf.

The corresponding tables are vacmSecurityToGroupTable, vacmAccessTable and vacmViewTreeFamilyTable in the SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB.

Each entry is one of the terms, one entry corresponds to one row in one of the tables.

{vacmSecurityToGroup, SecModel, SecName, GroupName}.

{vacmAccess, GroupName, Prefix, SecModel, SecLevel, Match, ReadView, WriteView, NotifyView}.

{vacmViewTreeFamily, ViewIndex, ViewSubtree, ViewStatus, ViewMask}.

8.6 Security data for USM

The information about Security data for USM should be stored in a file called usm.conf, which must be present if the agent is configured for SNMPv3.

The corresponding table is usmUserTable in the SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB.

Each entry is a term:

{EngineID, UserName, SecName, Clone, AuthP, AuthKeyC, OwnAuthKeyC, PrivP, PrivKeyC, OwnPrivKeyC, Public, AuthKey, PrivKey}.

8.7 Trap Destinations

The information about Trap Destinations was previously stored in a file called trap_dest.conf. If the agent encounters this file, but not the new target configuration files (see below), this file is automatically converted to the new files, and these new files are read.

8.8 Notify Definitions

The information about Notify Definitions should be stored in a file called notify.conf.

The corresponding table is snmpNotifyTable in the SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB.

Each entry is a term:

{NotifyName, Tag, Type}.

8.9 Target Address Definitions

The information about Target Address Definitions should be stored in a file called target_addr.conf.

The corresponding tables are snmpTargetAddrTable in the SNMP-TARGET-MIB and snmpTargetAddrExtTable in the SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB.

Each entry is a term:

{TargetName, Ip, Udp, Timeout, RetryCount, TagList, ParamsName}. or
{TargetName, Ip, Udp, Timeout, RetryCount, TagList, ParamsName, TMask, MaxMessageSize}.

8.10 Target Parameters Definitions

The information about Target Parameters Definitions should be stored in a file called target_params.conf.

The corresponding table is snmpTargetParamsTable in the SNMP-TARGET-MIB.

Each entry is a term:

{ParamsName, MPModel, SecurityModel, SecurityName, SecurityLevel}.

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