[Erlang Systems]

4 Macros

Macros in Erlang are written with the following syntax:

-define(Const, Replacement).
-define(Fun(Var1, Var2,.., Var), Replacement).

Macros are expanded when the syntax ?MacroName is encountered.

Consider the macro definition:

-define(timeout, 200).

The expression ?timeout, which can occur anywhere in the code which follows the macro definition, will be replaced by 200.

Macros with arguments are written as follows:

      -define(macro1(X, Y), {a, X, b, Y}).

This type of macro can be used as follows:

bar(X) ->
    ?macro1(a, b),
    ?macro1(X, 123)

This expands to:

bar(X) ->

4.1 Macros and Tokens

Macro expansion works at a token level. We might define a macro as follows:

-define(macro2(X, Y), {a,X,b,Y).

The replacement value of the macro is not a valid Erlang term because the closing right curly bracket is missing. macro2 expands into a sequence of tokens {, a, X which are then pasted into the place where the macro is used.

We might use this macro as follows:

bar() ->

This will expand into the valid sequence of tokens {a,x,y,b} before being parsed and compiled.


It is good programming practise to ensure that the replacement text of a macro is a valid Erlang syntactic form.

4.2 Pre-Defined Macros

The following macros are pre-defined:

This macro returns the name of the current module
This macro returns the current file name.
This macro returns the current line number.
This macro returns the current machine name, 'BEAM',

4.3 Flow Control in Macros

The following macro directives are supplied:

Causes the macro to behave as if it had never been defined.
Do the following lines if Macro is defined.
Do the following lines if Macro is not defined.
"else" macro
"endif" macro.

The conditional macros must be properly nested. They are usually grouped as follows:


The following example illustrates this grouping:

-define(debug, true).
-define(trace(Str, X), io:format("Mod:~w line:~w ~p ~p~n", 
                                 [?MODULE,?LINE, Str, X])).
-define(trace(X, Y), true).

Given these definitions, the expression ?trace("X=", X). in line 10 of the module foo expands to:

io:format("Mod:~w line:~w ~p ~p~n",[foo,100,"X=",[X]]),

If we remove the -define(debug, true). line, then the same expression expands to true.

4.4 A Macro Expansion Utility

The following code can be used to expand a macro and display the result:

-import(lists, [foreach/2]).
file(File) ->
  case epp:parse_file(File ++ ".erl", [],[]) of
    {ok, L} ->
      {ok, Stream} = file:open(File ++ ".out", write),
      foreach(fun(X) ->
              end, L),

Alternatively, we can compile the file with the 'P' option. compile:file(File, ['P']) produces a list file File.P, in which the result of any macro expansions can be seen.

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