1 OS_MON Release Notes

This document describes the changes made to the OS_MON application.

Os_mon 1.3.4

Fixed errors and malfunctions

Os_mon 1.3.3

Fixed errors and malfunctions

Improvements and new features

Os_mon 1.3.2

Fixed errors and malfunctions

1.1 OS_MON 1.3.1

1.1.1 Fixed Bugs and malfunctions

1.2 OS_MON 1.3

1.2.1 Improvements and new features

1.2.2 Fixed Bugs and malfunctions

1.2.3 Incompatibilities with OS_MON 1.2

1.3 OS_MON 1.2

1.3.1 Improvements and new features

1.4 OS_MON 1.1.1

1.4.1 Improvements and new features

1.5 OS_MON 1.1

1.5.1 Improvements and new features

1.5.2 Fixed Bugs and malfunctions


1.5.3 Incompatibilities with OTP P1G

1.5.4 Known bugs and problems


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