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Advanced Topics

Scope of Variables

Variables in a clause exist between the point where the variable is first bound and the last textual reference to the variable.

Consider the following code:

1...	f(X) ->
2...		Y = g(X),
3...		h(Y, X),
4...		p(Y),
5...		f(12).

Scope of variables in if/case/receive

The set of variables introduced in the different branches of an if/case/receive form must be the same for all branches in the form except if the missing variables are not referred to after the form.

f(X) ->
    case g(X) of
	true -> A = h(X), B = 7;
	false -> B = 6
If the true branch of the form is evaluated, the variables A and B become defined, whereas in the false branch only B is defined.

Whether or not this an error depends upon what happens after the case function. In this example it is an error, a future reference is made to A in the call h(A) - if the false branch of the case form had been evaluated then A would have been undefined.

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Catch and Throw

Suppose we have defined the following:


foo(1) -> hello;
foo(2) -> throw({myerror, abc});
foo(3) -> tuple_to_list(a);
foo(4) -> exit({myExit, 222}).
try:foo(1) evaluates to hello.

try:foo(2) tries to evaluate throw({myerror, abc}) but no catch exists. The process evaluating foo(2) exits and the signal {`EXIT',Pid,nocatch} is broadcast to the link set of the process.

try:foo(3) broadcasts {`EXIT', Pid, badarg} signals to all linked processes.

try:foo(4) since no catch is set the signal {`EXIT',Pid,{myexit, 222}} is broadcast to all linked processes.

try:foo(5) broadcasts the signal {`EXIT',Pid,function_clause} to all linked processes.

catch try:foo(1) evaluates to hello.
catch try:foo(2) evaluates to {myError,abc}.
catch try:foo(3) evaluates to {`EXIT',badarg}.
catch try:foo(4) evaluates to {`EXIT',{myExit,222}}.
catch try:foo(5) evaluates to {`EXIT',function_clause}.

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Use of Catch and Throw

Catch and throw can be used to: Example:
f(X) ->
    case catch func(X) of
	{`EXIT', Why} ->
            ... error in BIF ....
            ........ BUG............
	{exception1, Args} ->
            ... planned exception ....
	Normal ->
            .... normal case ....

func(X) ->

func(X) ->

bar(X) ->
   throw({exception1, ...}).

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The module error_handler

The module error_handler is called when an undefined function is called.

If a call is made to Mod:Func(Arg0,...,ArgN) and no code exists for this function then
undefined_call(Mod, Func,[Arg0,...,ArgN]) in the module error_handler will be called. The code in error_handler is almost like this:


undefined_call(Module, Func, Args) ->
    case code:if_loaded(Module) of
	true ->
            %% Module is loaded but not the function
            exit({undefined_function, {Mod, Func, Args}});
        false ->
 	    case code:load(Module) of
                {module, _} ->
                    apply(Module, Func, Args);
                false ->
By evaluating process_flag(error_handler, MyMod) the user can define a private error handler. In this case the function:MyMod:undefined_function will be called instead of error_handler:undefined_function.

Note:This is extremely dangerous

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The Code loading mechanism

Consider the following:


start() ->

server() ->
	Message ->
When the function m:server() is called then a call is made to the latest version of code for this module.

If the call had been written as follows:

server() ->
	Message ->
Then a call would have been made to the current version of the code for this module.

Prefixing the module name (i.e. using the : form of call allows the user to change the executing code on the fly.

The rules for evaluation are as follows:

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Ports: The command: Starts an external UNIX process - this process reads commands from Erlang on file descriptor 0 and sends commands to Erlang by writing to file descriptor 1.

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Port Protocols

Data is passed as a sequence of bytes between the Erlang processes and the external UNIX processes. he number of bytes passed is given in a 2 bytes length field.

Erlang process passig data to Unix process

"C" should check return value from read. See p.259 in the book for more info.

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References are erlang objects with exactly two properties:

Erlang references are unique, the system guarantees that no two references created by different calls to make_ref will ever match. The guarantee is not 100% - but differs from 100% by an insignificantly small amount :-).

References can be used for writing a safe remote procedure call interface, for example:

ask(Server, Question) ->
    Ref = make_ref(),
    Server ! {self(), Ref, Question},
        {Ref, Answer} ->

server(Data) ->
	{From, Ref, Question} ->
            Reply = func(Question, Data),
            From ! {Ref, Reply},

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Space Saving Optimisations

Here are two ways of computing the sum of a set of numbers contained in a list. The first is a recursive routine:
sum([H|T]) ->
    H + sum(T);
sum([]) ->
Note that we canot Evaluate '+' until both its arguments are known. This formulation of sum(X) evaluates in space O(length(X)).

The second is a tail recursive which makes use of an accumulator Acc:

sum(X) ->
    sum(X, 0).

sum([H|T], Acc) ->
   sum(T, H + Acc);
sum([], Acc) ->
The tail recursive formulation of sum(X). Evaluates in constant space.

Tail recursive = the last thing the function does is to call itself.

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Last Call Optimisation

The last call optimisation must be used in persistant servers.

For example:

server(Date) ->
	{From, Info} ->
            Data1 = process_info(From, Info, Data),
	{From, Ref, Query} ->
             {Reply, Data1} = process_query(From, Query,Data),
             From ! {Ref, Reply},
Note that the last thing to be done in any thread of computation must be to call the server.

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Process Dictionary

Each process has a local store called the "Process Dictionary". The following BIFs are used to manipulate the process dictionary: Note that using the Process Dictionary: So:

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Obtaining System Information

The following calls exist to access system information: If you use these BIFs remember: But you can do some fun things like:

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